Mar 132013

Bob is very inquisitive at the moment. I think we might be approaching the ‘Why?’ stage. The other day we were in the bath when I got into a bit of a predicament.

Bob pointed to my breasts and proudly said, ‘Boobies!’ I confirmed that yes, they were Mummy’s boobies. She then pointed to my tummy button and said, ‘That?’ I told her that it was my tummy button. She then pointed a little lower than my tummy button and asked, ‘That?’ I was stumped!

Obviously I know what ‘that’ is but the scientific names all seemed too formal to teach my 21 month old daughter. I have also heard many other words for this area which I would never use! When I was younger we used to called it a tuppence but my sister has ruined that for me.

One day she was at a neighbours house and she had some pennies. She dropped a two pence piece and it rolled under the settee. When the elderly lady next door asked my sister where her tuppence had gone she stood up, proudly pointed to her bits and said, ‘There!’

I have also heard it referred to as a front bottom but I don’t really like that. Parents of older children please help? What do you call it? Also, if anyone remembers what they used to call it please let me know. As long as it wasn’t tuppence. 😉

 Posted by Charlotte on March 13, 2013 Being a Mother  Add comments

  19 Responses to “What’s In A Name?”


    We have reached this stage in our house too, we call it a ‘woo woo’. It was something that me and the OH came up with one night when we had a bit too much to drink and it has stuck. The funny thing is that a week later we were in Plymouth and saw a night club called ‘woo woo’ which made us giggle x


    Lol we had this, he asked me when walking in on the shower and i managed to stutter lady bits. Luckily he hasn’t been interested since then but he is always shouting boobies at me.


    Lol, love the story! Never heard it being called a tuppence before 🙂 my son used ask me why I weed out of my bottom! I had no idea what to tell him so I said that it was my lady bit 🙂


    Ha ha that’s funny! We call A’s a chutchee fou fou although the boys used to call it a slit which I found really offensive!


    I have been saying bits but was sure there was a better name out there somewhere. Maybe not. x


    If you find one do let me know, I have tried to just ignore some questions my 3 year old has asked by trying to change the subject! x


    Oh gosh someone please invent a name that isn’t anatomical or twee! We’re front bottomers here, but I agree, it’s naff, especially when your brother has a proper name for his!


    Oh Charlotte – this brought back so many funny memories!! Some of our boys and also of my time teaching! I think the tuppence name is most common, as that was what we said. One of ours went through the penis dropping off, but his – not mine! It didn’t really drop off, but he was terrified it would one day!

    The funniest from another of ours when we shared a bath was when he asked me if I had brussel sprouts! I don’t advise that for Bob though – much too embarrassing in a Farm Shop!

    In school over many years I have come across – foo foo, tuppence, mini bits, front bottom, girly bits, petal (not a good idea when planting and growing flowers), privates and am sure there were more! But my very favourite I ever heard in school was MInnie Mouse, to which there was a funny story. The little girl concerned had just started school and she was sobbing her Minnie Mouse hurt! The Nursery Nurse and I couldn’t get to the bottom of it (please excuse the pun) – we even searched the classroom to find the lost Minnie! In the end we phoned her Mum, who thankfully came and solved the problem for us!!!!

    On a final note – why not use the real word “vulva” – unless of course you drive a Volvo!!!


      Sue, you need to start a blog! This comment is a post in itself! Love how you searched for Minnie Mouse! Also, I agree with Brussels sprouts being avoid due to the farm shop. :0)

      I was also advised on twitter to use the correct term from day one but not site I can do that. I don’t even call mine that, I just tend to say bits. x


    I would Charlotte if my bears didn’t take so much time!! If I do ever get a proper website for them going I could start one then. Mind you I’d drive you mad asking for help!!! xx


    We are front bottomers here too. lol x


    You have made it all up about me ………. I can’t remember that :0) How do you take blog votes back ??? xx

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