You may remember when we got our tiny tortoise. Swell Reptiles sent us a tortoise starter kit which meant my husband agreed to getting one. How could he not? It was for my blog after all! I am forever grateful to Swell Reptiles as we love our new addition!
We still haven’t named him/her. You can’t sex a tortoise until the are about 5 years old. As it is a Hermann Tortoise I thought that we would either call it Hermann or Hermione depending on whether it was a boy or a girl. As we didn’t know neither of the names seemed suitable. I tend to call it Tortiboy which doesn’t make any sense at all!
When they e mailed me to ask if I would like to review more of their products I was happy to. They sell everything that you could need for reptiles but, as I didn’t think I could trick Michael into any more pets, I decided to get something for our tortoise.
I decided on a Tortoise Play Pen. Tortiboy is still very small and it will be several years before I can let him have the run of the whole garden. A pen seemed perfect!
My husband & Bob built the pen and it was that easy that by the time I had got my camera they had almost finished.
The pen was well made and it has a removable floor in the covered section.
It was lovely to see Tortiboy outside! He enjoyed exploring and we enjoyed watching him. It was great for Bob too as she could see more than she can in the tortoise table.
It made me realise that my husband has to cut the grass shorter. He only cut it yesterday and it was still too long for Tortiboy!
Thanks Swell Reptiles! Tortiboy loves his new run and so do we!
Disclaimer: I was sent the tortoise run for the purpose of this review but all opinions and photographs are my own.
What a cutie and I love the name!!
Oh, I am on a hunt for new pet ideas! How are you enjoying him/her? High or low maintenance?
He is quite low maintenance but I would suggest reading up about the breed you want before getting one. They have to have a specific diet, calcium powder, etc. If you have any questions just ask.