Sunday 11th August (Day 17)
We stayed close to home today and just went to our local park. We had a good day with no accidents but no poos.
Monday 12th August (Day 18)
Today we went to Wheelgate again. We have a season pass!
I decided to continue using pull ups over Bob’s pants as I thought it would be much less stressful for everyone and not using them didn’t seem to have made a difference.
Bob refused to wee for many hours and had a little accident but before we came home she managed to do a wee on the big girls toilet! She got a special sparkly sticker and was very pleased with herself!
Tuesday 13th August (Day 19)
Today was going well until the time came to get ready to leave the house. I had a doctors appointment and as we were getting ready to leave I smelt something. Bob had just used her potty so I had thought that we were safe.
Poo in pants is so much worse than poo in a nappy. You cannot wipe most of it away with the corner of the pants and you also have to attempt to remove the pants without the help of sticky side tabs.
Several wipes later we left the house. I was a bit early for my appointment so we went to the shop to buy Bob a magazine to keep her entertained in the doctors. We then went back to the car to drop off a few bits that I had bought. I lifted Bob up into the passenger seat and I smelt something again. This was only 10 minutes after the last time. I don’t even know when she was doing these! She had just turned into a secret pooing machine.
I now had the challenge of changing poo in pants in the car. It was an experience that I do not wish to repeat!
Wednesday 14th August (Day 20)
Today was going well again until the poo came. We had gone out for dinner and I had just taken Bob to the toilet but we had no luck.
On the way back to the table she stopped and I could that see she was concentrating. ‘Are you doing a wee?’ I asked. When she didn’t reply I squished her pull up and thought she had done a wee. I was wrong! It was more poo. Poo in pants is definitely not something that grows on you.
Thursday 15th August (Day 21)
Today we had no accidents! Bob didn’t poo today but I don’t think it will do her any harm after the last few days.
* Apologies for the lack of photos in this post! I know it is unusally for me not to include anything but I didn’t think you would want to see photos of this. 😉
To read our potty diaries click the button below.

Poo in pants is definitely no fun! Belated sympathies. We need to get the t-shirts to say we survived 🙂
I haven’t survived yet. We are still struggling! Would it be wrong for her to still be in nappies when she’s 18? x