Monday 5th August (Day 11)
Today we went to Wheelgate with our friends. It’s about 30 minutes from our house and we had so much fun that we bought a season ticket and we can’t wait to go again.
We were there for about 6 hours and I took Bob to use her potty many times but she did nothing. She had lots to eat and drink but apart from a tiny accident she held herself until she got home.
I am worried that this may become a problem. It is alright if we don’t go out for long but what about when we go away for a few days? What will she do then?
Tuesday 6th August (Day 12)
Today Bob didn’t have any accidents. She went to her grandparents house for a while as I had an appointment and she managed to wee on her potty whilst she was there. I am hoping that this is a step towards weeing in ‘public’.
Wednesday 7th August (Day 13)
Today I decided to stay close to home. We went to our local park and I dared to take Bob without putting a pull up over her pants. The way that she holds herself means that it’s not needed as she would only have 1 accident in hours.
Again we had a good day with no accidents but all Bob’s wees were in the comfort of her own home.
I am planning to risk going further afield tomorrow without pull ups as I think that Bob may have realised that when she has an accident her pants get wet but her the pull ups stop the problem from progressing.
Fingers crossed we don’t get in a pickle!
To read our potty diaries click the button below.

She was doing but then when we were on holiday we went back to square one. x x