Wednesday 31st July (Day 6)
This morning when we got up Bob’s pull up was dry. I have no idea how she managed this! I had been to the toilet 3 times since going to bed. I have got into a bad habit. Every time Bob wakes up I go for a wee just in case as I would hate to wake up needing a wee when Bob was sleeping. I’m still shocked that my 2 year old daughter has better bladder control than me.
Our day started with a huge wee on the potty and I hoped this was how our day would continue. I wasn’t holding much hope as we were going out for lunch and to a soft play.
Pooing proved trickier this morning. Bob kept telling me that she needed one but she didn’t want to sit on her potty. In the end I got her to sit on the potty whilst we choose a big sticker in anticipation. After a hard decision there was still no movement. I thought that she might be saving it for the car journey.
Luckily before we left the house she had a big poo on the potty! 🙂 I am so proud of my potty princess!
We have a fabulous travel potty that looks like a case when it’s closed. Whilst we were out I took Bob into the toilet to use it 3 times but she didn’t want to go. She can’t go until she’s ready. I can wee on cue. 🙂
She did have one accident and it was whilst she was on the top level of the soft play so I was glad that I had put pull ups over her pants. She also flooded the living room whilst we were having an indoor picnic. It must be so hard to remember to use the potty when there are other exciting things going on! It even happens to adults. My husband will kill me for telling you this but when I rang him at work earlier he had to rush off mid conversation to have a wee. He had been very busy and hasn’t realised that he needed to go until I started talking about Bob’s toilet habits. 🙂
She did really well for the rest of the day and she even got out of bed to use her potty before she fell asleep! My baby girl is growing up! 🙁
To read our potty diaries click the button below.

Please tell your husband that I sympathise. Sometimes, I concentrate so much that I block out everything and I simply don’t think about it. And then all of a sudden, I’m desperate and have to run off 🙂
Well done Bob! Lovin the pink potty – it won’t be long before we are heading down the potty training route… something tells me it’ll be painful and teary… (for me) lol xx