Before Bob came along I never saw myself as a stay at home mum. In fact, when I found out that I was pregnant I was doing my PGCE to teach in Primary Schools. I had intended to return to the course after having some time at home but the stay at home world quickly drew me in!

I loved getting to spend time with my daughter and, having a background in childcare and education, I knew that I could provide the activities Bob needed for her development. I know that she does not get the same socialising as a nursery would provide but I have many friends with children Bob’s age who we see regularly and, as I love to bake, craft and play with Happyland, I think that quality time with her mummy is just as beneficial.

I also love our days out! Bob loves animals just as much as I do and we spend many a happy day at various animal parks. We are also lucky to have many nice parks near where we live and we enjoy going for walks, feeding the ducks and playing on the slide.

In a way it was lucky that I had started my PGCE as I had reduced my days working as a Teaching Assistant to attend the course which meant that my husband and I were used to managing on less income. I am very lucky to be able to stay home with Bob and I know that this is not the case for many people.

I am also very lucky that my little piece of cyber space has provided many opportunities for me. Bob and I are sent various products to review which is very exciting! Receiving a parcel when it isn’t Christmas or your Birthday seems very naughty! I have also been able to make a bit of income from my blog through advertising. I am so fortunate that my hobby has become my little job!

There are other ways that stay at home mums can gain an income. A friend of mine has started an ironing service which would be my worst nightmare but she loves it! I have also  been recently introduced to the idea of home based transcription jobs. Take Note is a company with over 200 employees, many of which work from home. I would also love to start a mother and daughter cake and cookie business with Bob when she is older but at the moment she eats more than she bakes!


I know that I am extremely fortunate to be able to spend fun filled days with my beautiful daughter. Maybe there are even more opportunities out there which mean I can stay at home forever!


 Posted by Charlotte on March 12, 2013 Being a Mother  Add comments

  5 Responses to “Stay At Home Mum & Loving It”


    I never ever thought I’d want to be a sahm mum either and then when z was 5 months (and I was on may leave) I was completely wanting to resign! I ended up going back part time in the end and I completely love it. I would have never thought I’d be like that but I’m so glad I did because he is growing so quickly!


    I did my PGCE without kids and it was without a doubt the hardest year of my life, you would definitely have been very brave to take it on with a very small child. But there is still time to do it once she’s bigger, one thing I love about teaching is the fact that it will fit in really well with family life once the kiddos are school age. For me, right now though, being at home is the best place to be. Like you say, some childcare and educational experience makes it great as you can use what you know to help teach your own children. X


      Thanks Lucy! You’re right. There were many people much older than me o the course so I have plenty of time! That’s if I can manage to tear myself away from all the baking! :0) x


    Having gone back to teaching this year, I am so exhausted and spend most of my time feeling guilty that I am spreading myself so thinly and I am yearning to go back to the stay at home days already. Make the most of it as if you can manage financially, it is an amazing time and you can never get it back

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