Mar 262012

Bob and her friend (who will be called Cyril for the purpose of this blog post) have recently discovered soft play! Their mums, sorry, they love it!!! The place that we go to is in Doncaster and it is called Astrabound. It has a separate section for toddlers and it is over 3 floors. There’s a giant ball pool, slides, tunnels, mirrors, rope bridges, bumps, roller things, spinning things and dangling things! (Those are the official technical terms!)

As Bob and Cyril are only young we go in with them. The first week we, mostly, stayed in the ball pool. Unsure if we climbed up to the top whether we would be able to get back down! The second week we were feeling a bit more adventurous. We went all the way up to the top and back down twice, in two different ways. I felt like I’d done a work out! Bob & Cyril loved it and we did too!

At the moment, as they are under 1, they can go in for free. Bargain! When they are 1 it will cost £3 and I think that is still great value for money! I have paid more than £3 for various exercise classes and I haven’t burnt as many calories! Also, on weekdays, in term time, they have special toddler events with singing, dancing and life sized characters.

It is becoming a weekly event and I look forward to Mondays! I think that we all do! My main worry is that I don’t know what we will do when they are old enough to go in on there own! We might have to sneak in the older children’s area. I’m sure we will pass for 12!

 Posted by Charlotte on March 26, 2012 Activities  Add comments

  3 Responses to “Soft Play”


    Ooh, I love soft play anyway, but yours sounds particularly good! No wonder you look forward to Mondays.


    I must admit I love soft play as well, its like unleashing your inner kid and I remember playing on them when I was young. I love going all around with mads and now she is 15 months she is enjoying it more and more each time we go! x


    Oh they look so happy. I love soft play now that they are old enough to go off on their own and leave me to my coffee 😉

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