When Bob was a baby we went to Menorca. It was hard work as she was quite unsettled with the heat and the different food. We were in a hotel that was advertised as child friendly but, as it was out of season, the entertainment hadn’t started and the hotel was full of elderly couples. If Bob started to cry we would get funny looks from people and it made us very uncomfortable.

We came home vowing not to go abroad again for a while and we had holidays in the U.K. for a few years. Last year we felt brave enough to attempt another abroad holiday. Bob was 4 and we knew she would love the entertainment and the swimming so we booked a holiday to Majorca.

jumping in the pool

We had an amazing time! It was a wonderful holiday and we now have the abroad holiday bug! Holiday’s in this country aren’t as relaxing as you aren’t guaranteed the weather. If it rains you can’t sit on a beach so you end up going out for an adventure filled day.

The problem is, this year we will have a baby with us and the thought of taking a baby abroad scares us! I hate having people stare at us around the pool, making us feel as if we are ruining their holiday. I started looking at holidays in this country and resigned myself to the fact that we may not be able to go abroad again for a few years.

I then remembered a holiday that Michael and I went on before we had children. We stayed in a villa in Menorca. It was close to the beach and local amenities and it also had it’s own pool. I thought that this may be a good idea for this year. If we have our own space we can make as much noise as we like without upsetting anyone.

I started searching for a holiday and I found a lovely villa on the clickstay website. It is in Cala’n Blanes in Menorca and it even has toys for Bob and Bow to play with.


Bob will happily spend all day swimming so having our own pool will be amazing! I know that this will mean that we won’t have entertainment but having our own space is much more important and I’m sure we will be able to find things to do in the resort.

Now I just need Michael to book some time off work and then we can get something booked so we can look forward to our summer holiday!

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post.az

 Posted by Charlotte on January 27, 2016 Uncategorized  Add comments

  7 Responses to “Planning Our Summer Holidays”


    A villa is a really good idea when you’ve got very young kids because you don’t have to worry about disturbing people. Although it is your holiday so don’t worry about others! x


    A villa holiday sounds perfect! Its something we’ve always wanted to do


    Ah sounds perfect. Those photos are lovely! I would love to go back on holiday x


    How exciting! I always love planning my summer holiday – it’s such a nice thing to look forward to.


    A villa sounds perfect! I’d always prefer something a little more private and then it’s your choice whether you want to head into the resort or not. The pictures look lovely 🙂 X


    We need a summer holiday fast here too! After the blizzard here in the US I think we deserve summer to come sooner haha. Villa holiday definitely sounds amazing and summer perfect!!

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