Last year we were lucky enough to go on several holidays. We had a relaxing week in a cottage in Whitby, a stressful ten days in Menorca and a fun filled mini break at Butlins.

Menorca was a nightmare! Bob struggled with the heat, the food disagreed with her and we spent most of our time walking around the resort trying to get her to settle. It didn’t help matters that we had booked a child orientated hotel that turned out to be full of old, quiet people that rolled their eyes whenever Bob made a peep. Luckily we moved hotels a few days into our holiday and things improved.


Whitby was nice. Bob was only a few weeks old but it was lovely to spend time together as a family. We enjoyed walking along the seafront and eating fish and chips.


Butlins was great! Bob had the time of her life! She loved going swimming, she enjoyed the rides and she was mesmerised by the shows! Butlins at Skegness has a beach on the doorstep and Bob loved building sandcastles and collecting shells for our fish tank.


This year we have decided not to go abroad as the memories of Menorca are still a bit raw. Although it is only February I have started looking at where we can go in the U.K. I love booking holidays, as it is great to have something to look forward to.

A return visit to Butlins is definitely on the cards. I am planning an exciting Easter family holiday! I can’t wait to make Bob a bonnet for the parade! They also have a spring farmyard, which Farmer Bob will love! I can’t wait to photograph Bob on their giant beach props as she was too little last time.

Butlins have some deals available on weekend breaks, which are a perfect length for young children. Although, if I asked Bob, I am sure she would want to go for two weeks!

We also have a visit to Coombe Mill planned for September. Again, this will be a great holiday for Bob! She adores animals and I am sure she will love going to feed them all every morning.

We are so lucky to have so many lovely places to visit in the U.K. I would be happy to wait until Bob’s 18 before leaving the country. Having said that, I would definitely make an exception for Disney World!!! 🙂


 Posted by Charlotte on February 12, 2013 Uncategorized  Add comments

  5 Responses to “Planning Our Family Holidays”


    We also had a nightmare trip abroad last year so have decided to stay in the uk this time – I couldn’t bare the flight let alone anything else! Am considering butlins for our trip x


    We are too lazy to go abroad with a little one. It is much easier to sling everything in the car and go. We are off to Coombe Mill in the early summer – hooorrraaayy!!


    With family abroad we don’t have much options with holidays. I would love to give Butlins a go though and definitely Coombe Mill! Everyone seems to be going and having fun!


    Charlotte I am thrilled to be in your family plans for September. I cant wait to meet you all and Bob will adore all the animals. The Coombe Express will also be up and running by the time you come so Bob can enjoy train rides as well as tractor rides each day. Thank you so much for the mentioning Coombe Mill and enjoy your trip to Butlin’s at Easter.


    Ooooh. Sounds good. There is something about this time of year that makes you want to plan holidays. We’re planning a trip to Center Parcs in the autumn and Coombe Mill is on my list, but maybe for next year when the long drive won’t be quite so painful with slightly bigger kids. X

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