Planning Our Summer Holidays

When Bob was a baby we went to Menorca. It was hard work as she was quite unsettled with the heat and the different food. We were in a hotel that was advertised as child friendly but, as it was out of season, the entertainment hadn’t started and the hotel was full of elderly couples. If Bob started to cry we would get funny looks from people and it made us very uncomfortable. We came home vowing not to go [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on January 27, 2016 Uncategorized 7 Responses »
A Treat For The Mummies

We regularly review products but they are usually things for the family and mainly things for my babies. I love being able to spoil my little ones on a regular basis with exciting deliveries and treats throughout the year. When the postman arrives Bob gets very excited! Occasionally I am asked if I would like to review something for myself. This is such a treat as us mummies tend to get forgotten a lot of the time. I am so [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on January 25, 2016 Reviews 144 Responses »

You can read my previous posts here. Bow’s Birth Story – Day 1 Bow’s Birth Story – Day 2 Day 3, Saturday the 26th September – Before The Epidural At around 3am my contractions were coming fast and strong. The midwife said that she thought we would see a baby soon. Everyone started guessing what time our little man would arrive and the midwife guessed 5am. She got her delivery trolley set up and expected his arrival. A short while [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on January 20, 2016 Pregnancy & Childbirth 22 Responses »
A Tricky Photo Shoot

My mum has a beautiful canvas on her wall of Bob and my nephew. It was taken over 4 years ago at Bob’s christening. As she now has 3 grandchildren she mention how it would be nice to have one of all 3 of them. My sister and I decided to get her one for Christmas and we arranged to go over one day for a photo shoot. I got my camera ready and put it on the stairs with [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on January 18, 2016 Reviews 23 Responses »
Bow's Birth Story - Day 2 (The Party)

You can read my previous post here. Bow’s Birth Story – Day 1 Day 2, Friday the 25th September The next morning (24 hours after the pessary was inserted) they checked my cervix again. I was still 1cm! I was told that the pessary could be left in for 30 hours so they said they would check my cervix again at 5.30pm when they removed it. If nothing had happened by then they would try and break my waters before [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on January 15, 2016 Pregnancy & Childbirth 22 Responses »
Bow's Birth Story - Day 1 (The Calm Before The Storm)

I spent a lot of last week writing about Bow’s birth. It took me a while to get into the right mindset and, if I am honest, I didn’t think I was ready to make sense of it all. I really wanted to publish his birth story before his development posts though so I sat down and started to write. Surprisingly, the words poured out of me. Unfortunately they didn’t stop! I wanted to publish his birth story as one [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on January 12, 2016 Pregnancy & Childbirth 18 Responses »
Michael's Weight Loss Challenge

My husband works in the food industry. As it is January they are concentrating on their healthy eating products. They have several new ranges to help encourage people to eat well. Many of the senior managers are overweight and the owner didn’t think that this was the best image. She asked them if they would join her in a weight loss challenge. The participants were weighed at the beginning of January and they will be weighed each week. Their losses [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on January 12, 2016 Blogging For Good 13 Responses »