Impossible Experiences

What would you do if money was no object? How about if reality wasn’t even an issue? Do you have a dream that you wish could come true? Into The Blue have an Impossible Experiences competition running at the moment where they are asking people to tell them what they would do if they could do absolutely anything. They have even set up a page on their website with some out of this world experiences. You can think about camping [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 20, 2016 Uncategorized 5 Responses »
Feb 182016
Fun In Mallorca

Last year we had a wonderful family holiday to Mallorca. We had been putting off going away as we had a stressful time when we took Bob when she was a baby. As she was older we decided to brave it again. We all had an amazing time! Bob loved swimming and spent hours jumping into the pool. She also loved the mini disco and the entertainment! Each evening they chose a couple of children to go up on stage [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 18, 2016 Uncategorized 7 Responses »

When I was younger I used to work in care homes for the elderly. It was a lovely job and it helped me to earn money when I was on holiday from university. I loved working with such interesting people who had so many stories to tell! I could spend ages listening to their adventures and loved hearing tales of times gone by. There was a daycare room at the home and people would come to visit for the day. [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 18, 2016 Uncategorized 1 Response »
Cuddledry Apron Towel Review

My husband is very wary when it comes to giving Bow a bath and he tries to avoid it at all costs. I think a big part of his fear is the juggling that comes with it. Bathing a slippery baby is hard enough but when it comes to getting them out of the bath whilst attempting to hold a towel under your chin it can be almost impossible. I tried to teach him how to do the towel dance [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 16, 2016 Reviews 8 Responses »
Feb 162016
Scary Baby

I think I may have terrified my friend. She is due to have a cesarean section tomorrow and last week Bow and I went to visit her. She already has a son who is the same age as Bob, we met as our children attended the same nursery. She was pleased to finally meet Bow as the plans we have made since he was born kept getting cancelled. Bob was poorly, my friend had an appointment for an ECV as [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 16, 2016 Uncategorized 8 Responses »
Animal Kingdom DVD Giveaway

I wanted to take Bob to watch Animal Kingdom at the cinema but we didn’t get chance. Now it is out on DVD we can’t wait to watch it together! Animal Kingdom is about an ape called Edward. He is the son of a king but he is sent away as he is too puny for his tribe. Whilst living in secret Edward discovers fire, modern living and love. He may not have the brawn but he definitely has the [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 15, 2016 Uncategorized 113 Responses »
Feb 122016
Puzzles & Problems

Being a mum to a new baby can be very isolating. I try and go to groups and make plans to meet friends but if I’m honest it is much easier to stay at home. Archie doesn’t sleep very well and is up a lot in the night. By the time the morning arrives I am exhausted and even the school run is a challenge. He also screams constantly when he is in the car and by the time we [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 12, 2016 Uncategorized 16 Responses »