Perfect Holiday Destinations for Families

With sun severely lacking at the moment I have a post from Beth Jones to help us to dream of our summer holidays. With it being March, and the warmer weather not in sight, our minds can turn to summer holidays. If you are looking to get something booked soon, you might be struggling to think of where to go to. With children, there might be certain requirements. You might not want to go long haul because of the cost. [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 9, 2016 Uncategorized No Responses »
Agi Bag Meadow Flyer Review

Bob has been reviewing the new Agi Bagi Meadow Flyer app. It is aimed at preschool children and, although Bob is in reception, she thought it was great! There are different levels where you get to explore Agi Bagi’s planet. Agi Bagi uses his magic to make exciting things happen. Throughout the levels children make things appear, grow, change and make sounds. On level one there is a bee that pops up from behind a flower. He buzzes but Bob [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 8, 2016 Reviews 1 Response »
Mar 032016
World Book Day Fun

Today is World Book Day and many children are going to school dressed as their favourite book character. When I asked Bob what her favourite book was she had a hard time deciding. She loves books and there are so many that she enjoys! She decided that ‘What The Ladybird Heard’ was her favourite. I said that I could make her a ladybird costume and she was quite excited. I explained that I could make her a red padded shell [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 3, 2016 Fun 3 Responses »
Disney Princess Party - Themed Food

As many of you probably know, I love party planning and I love themes! Bob has had a themed birthday every year even though she didn’t really know what was happening at her first birthday. This year she had a Disney Princess party. I have already posted about the invitations, the cake and the party bags and I had lots of other aspects of the party that I wanted to share with you. Unfortunately pregnancy and childbirth got in the [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 2, 2016 Party Planning 13 Responses »
Feb 242016
6 Weeks Old

I wanted to write a ‘1 Month Old’ post but the weeks have flown by and you are 6 weeks old before I know it! You have already changed so much! You smiled your first real smiles last week and now we can all usually be found talking gobble de gook to you to try and get you to smile again. You regularly oblige. Over the last couple of days you have had many a tale to tell. You look [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 24, 2016 Baby Development 9 Responses »

If you, like many families, have to live in a smaller home than is perhaps ideal, then it’s likely your children will need to share a bedroom. When the first child comes along, assuming you have a spare room, creating a beautiful nursery is all part of the fun. You can choose a colour scheme, paint the walls, buy nursery furniture, and make a haven for you and your baby to spend quality time during night feeds. But when baby [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 24, 2016 Home Improvements No Responses »
A Valentine's Surprise

Two weeks ago I received a parcel. I had no idea what it could be as I couldn’t remember ordering anything. Inside was a lovely surprise delivery from the Co-operative. They had sent us a lovely Valentine’s hamper filled with goodies. They wanted us to enjoy breakfast in bed on Valentine’s Day as part of their #LoveAtFirstLight campaign. I love that hashtag! I tried to save everything that was in the box until Valentine’s Day but when Bob saw all [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 23, 2016 Reviews No Responses »