Feb 242013

Is there a character on CBeebies with the catchphrase, ‘No way!’?

I love that Bob is learning new words everyday. I also love how she is managing to add words together to make little sentences. However, I don’t love these two little words!

Bob has started to say, ‘No way!’ As an answer to everything!

Me – ‘Would you like some breakfast.
Bob – ‘No way!’

Me – ‘Shall we change your nappy?’
Bob – ‘No way!’

Me – ‘Come and say goodbye to your Grandma.’
Bob – ‘No way!’

She says it with so much attitude that I am waiting for her to start wagging her finger at me!

I have no idea where she has picked it up from. Contrary to popular belief, I am not ‘badass’. I mentioned it to my friend the other day and she said that the children say it in the nursery where she works. She’d thought that one of them had started saying it and the others had just picked it up but knowing that Bob says it too makes us wonder if they are copying someone off the television.

Do you know who is teaching our children this attitude? 😉


* Original photo from BBC News

 Posted by Charlotte on February 24, 2013 Being a Mother  Add comments

  14 Responses to “No Way! No Way!”


    you are badass! Xx


    Wait until she starts coming home saying “That is like totally dread!” I have no idea where they get these things from. I will worry when I think the influences are coming from YouTube and not CBeebies :-/


    I wish I knew sometimes where it all comes from? I can’t remember what my wee man said to me the other day and I exasperatedly said “Say what?” and of course he ran around for ages going “What?”


    Ha this made me laugh (sorry; I do honestly feel your pain). My monster says “nononononononononoooo” in manner of Jim from Vicar of Dibley….which she has definitely never seen! It was cute the first week and now I grit my teeth and man-handle her…xx


    Ha ha that really made me smile! Children are great aren’t they?


    Sounds a lot like our 2, Ellie especially. They keep coming out with stuff which just makes us say: “Huh? Where did he / she get THAT from?”. I think at this age they take in so much & have amaing memories, everything is new & exciting for them.


    It’s “dude” with Jacob!! I’m not keen on the expression myself. He gets it from his mum, big fan of American films and programmes! He went to look at the chickens this weekend and he said “Hi dudes” to them!! I wonder what we all used to say that drove our parents and Grandparents mad? x


    I suppose we should think ourselves lucky that they aren’t swearing! :0) x

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