We were recently asked to review something from Savisto. They specialise in homeware and they have many great kitchen gadgets. It was hard to decide what we should review.

Over the summer we went to stay with our friends in Devon and they had recently got an ice cream maker. They said how good it was and I have wanted to get one ever since. I wondered if it was the right time of year to be reviewing an ice cream maker but I then realised that ice cream is delicious at anytime of year!

ice cream maker

When the ice cream maker arrived we were very excited and looked forward to trying it out. Before we could make our ice cream we had to pre freeze the bowl for at least 8-12 hours. We popped the bowl in the freezer the night before we wanted to use it.

The ice cream maker came with a great recipe book. There are so many recipes that I want to try, including melon sorbet and peanut butter ice cream! We decided to try the strawberry ice cream recipe first as that is mine and Bob’s favourite flavour!

ice cream recipes

Here is the recipe we used.

You will need:

500g strawberries
300ml double cream
100g caster sugar
Juice of 1 lemon


1) Remove the stalks from the strawberries and puree them.

how to make strawberry ice cream

2) Pour the pureed strawberries into a bowl and stir in the rest of the ingredients.

strawberry ice cream ingredients

little chef

3) Pour the mixture into your ice cream maker and follow the manufacturers instructions.

ice cream maker instructions

* Our ice cream took 45 minutes to make.

ice cream maker in use

4) Transfer into a freezer proof container and freeze.

Using the ice cream maker was very exciting! It froze the mixture from the edge and churned it until it was all frozen.

delicious homemade ice cream

We couldn’t wait for the ice cream to go into the freezer but it was delicious straight from the machine! I actually preferred it to when it had been in the freezer as it was softer. When we ate the rest of the ice cream the next day, I found it was nicer when it had been at room temperature for a little while.

The ice cream was absolutely delicious! I know we had made it and we were biased but it was the nicest ice cream we have ever had! Everyone enjoyed it!

yummy homemade ice cream

baby eating ice cream

messy ice cream baby

We love our new ice cream maker and we are planning to make lots of different flavours! We are looking forward to an ice cream filled winter!

Disclaimer: We were sent the ice cream maker free of charge, in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

 Posted by Charlotte on November 9, 2016 Reviews  Add comments

  8 Responses to “It’s Never Too Cold For Ice Cream”


    this might be a little dangerous in our house haha. The ice cream looks so good!


    This sounds anaaazing! I love the idea of making your own healthier versions xx


    You could have so much fun coming up with your own ice cream ideas! The kids look very happy with it too


    Oh yum. I’ve always wanted to make my own ice cream. What a great machine!


    I need this in my life! I’d save a fortune long term too lol #eatalltheicecream


    This looks awesome. My boys love ice cream regardless of the weather or time of year so really must think about investing in an ice cream machine.


    That ice cream looks lovely. We should get one – everyone in our house adores ice cream!


    You’re right. You can have ice cream anytime. I had one of these but never used it. Sold it then but could do with one again.

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