Mar 092016

Bob needs much more school uniform than I anticipated. At the start of the school year I bought her 5 polo shirts (1 for each day), 3 pinafore dresses and 2 cardigans. I thought this would be plenty as our washing machine is on constantly. I then realised that Bob was very messy. Every day she comes home covered in paint, play dough, marker pen or her lunch. I tried to keep up with her but I soon realised that it would be easier to have more items of clothing. If she had 5 pinafore dresses and 5 cardigans I could then make sure that her uniform was ready for the week.

This has made things much easier and I have bought her 5 gingham dresses in preparation for the summer term. The problem with having more uniform is that it all needs labelling. Ironing labels into everything would take ages! Fortunately My Name Tags has a solution. Their name labels do not need to be ironed on. You just stick them in place and wait 24 hours before washing.

The labels can be personalised in many ways. Bob had lots of fun choosing a background, a font and an image. She was very pleased with her design and couldn’t wait to receive her labels. My Name Tags also sent me some labels for Bow. It will be a while before he has to use them but they were lovely to have and it was nice to see 2 different designs.

Non Iron Name Labels

The labels can be applied to anything and they have made labelling much easier! I labelled all of Bob’s summer uniform, her new pinafore dresses, her p.e. kit and her water bottle in minutes. They were so easy to apply that Bob could help me. She took a little longer than I did though. Everything has been washed several times since the labels were applied and they are all still in place.

These labels are brilliant and I am excited that I will not need to iron on labels again.

Disclaimer: We were sent the labels free of charge in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

 Posted by Charlotte on March 9, 2016 Reviews  Add comments

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