Apr 202013

A few weeks ago I was contacted to ask if I would like to review a series called Jungle Beat. As I had never heard of this I watched the trailer on You Tube and I was very excited by what I saw.

Bob loves animals and the trailer for Jungle Beat was fab. Bob watched it about 5 times! We couldn’t wait to review it!

The DVD arrived just at the right time! Bob has been unwell and I was struggling to find things to settle her. Jungle Beat worked a treat!

It is a series that shows us animals in the jungle and the difficulties that they face. I was worried at first that some of the episodes were quite scary. When the warthog was surrounded by fire, all for the sake of a hairstyle, I started to panic. Luckily things work out for the animals and we are provided with some lovely laughs along the way. Sorry if I have ruined the endings, I just didn’t want you to worry! 😉

The episodes are dialogue free and set to catchy theme tunes. I think the it is suitable for all ages as Bob loved it and so did we. I am sure that younger children would also enjoy the animation and the music.

I think that my favourite episode is the one where a baby ostrich is trying to fly. He even makes his hair resemble a dandelion clock to help to get some distance between him and the ground. My very close second favourite is the fire fly that can’t sleep because it is too bright! 🙂


Bob loved most of the episodes, I think that her favourite one was the monkey. I must have watched the monkey attempt to break into a coconut about 20 times. The only one that she didn’t want to watch was the elephant and that was before she had even seen it. I was disappointed as the elephant looked so lovely and I really wanted to watch it. I ended up sneakily watching it on my own. 🙂

Bob now asks to watch it regularly by saying ‘mils dd’ (animals DVD to me and you). Thank you Jungle Beat for entertaining us.

Jungle Beat Wild Adventures is available to download from iTunes.

*Disclaimer – I was sent a DVD free of charge for the purpose of this review but all opinions are my own.

 Posted by Charlotte on April 20, 2013 Reviews  Add comments

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