The Size Of A Pepper

Pregnancy Catch Up 18 weeks pregnant – our baby is the size of a pepper Bob loves peppers! She has always loved them! I remember when I was shopping when she was about 2. She was sat in the trolley seat, I was passing things to her and she was putting them into the trolley. I passed her a pepper and carried on shopping. I turned around a moment later and she was eating the pepper. When we got to [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on June 16, 2015 Pregnancy & Childbirth 1 Response »
Jun 142015
It's A...

The other day Bob and I went on a little adventure to film our gender reveal. We can now tell you that it’s a… To see more of our videos, including our birth announcement, click here.

 Posted by Charlotte on June 14, 2015 Fun, Pregnancy & Childbirth 49 Responses »
Pregnancy Diaries - 18 Weeks

This post was written on the 27th April Bob gatecrashed my photo shoot again this week. I love it when she comes to join me and I will treasure these photos forever! She listened to her baby. Then she gave her baby a kiss. Bob will always be my baby! This week I have been suffering with terribly achy legs. This morning I could only walk with a limp as my left leg was that stiff and painful. It is [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on June 11, 2015 Pregnancy & Childbirth 5 Responses »
The Size Of An Onion

Pregnancy Catch Up 17 weeks pregnant – our baby is the size of a onion Bob was nowhere to be seen when I was taking this week’s photo. She has recently decided that she hates onions! She still eats them but she doesn’t realise it. I now have to chop them very small so that she can’t see them. If she spies one, it’s game over! 🙂 At week 17 babies begin to put on some fat. I am using [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on June 8, 2015 Pregnancy & Childbirth No Responses »
Pregnancy Diaries - 17 Weeks

This post was written on the 20th April My arm got gradually better throughout last week. Most of our boxes are now unpacked and I am hoping that the few that are left will magically unpack themselves. It hasn’t happened yet though. My appointment with the midwife went well and we got to listen to the babies heartbeat which was wonderful and reassuring! I am surprised at how few midwife appointments you have now. I am not seeing the midwife [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on June 7, 2015 Pregnancy & Childbirth No Responses »
The Size Of An Avocado

Pregnancy Catch Up 16 weeks pregnant – our baby is the size of a avocado I felt like a terribly mean mummy this week! Bob has tried guacamole before and liked it so I thought she would like avocado. She was keen to try it and even wanted to taste the skin. I cut it open and she was very impressed with the slimy stone! The avocado may have been a bit under ripe. Maybe Bob knew this because as [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on June 4, 2015 Pregnancy & Childbirth 1 Response »
Pregnancy Diaries - 16 Weeks

This post was written on the 13th April This weekend has been quite stressful as we have moved house. I probably did a bit more than I should have but it was hard to watch everyone else helping us and not join in. I was careful and I dragged and kicked boxes along rather than lifted them. Even so, I managed to hurt my arm. I was putting our books on the bookshelf when my forearm started really hurting. This [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on June 3, 2015 Pregnancy & Childbirth No Responses »