Pregnancy Diaries - 22 Weeks

Written on the 25th May Today is Bob’s birthday and she has had a wonderful day! Yesterday we had a Disney Princess Party and Bob thought it was amazing!  Regular readers of my blog will know that I don’t do things by halves. I put a lot of time and effort into Bob’s parties. After all, it isn’t every day that you turn 4!  As my husband was cutting sandwiches into star shapes (all of the food had a theme) [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on July 17, 2015 Pregnancy & Childbirth No Responses »
The Size Of A Pomegranate

Pregnancy Catch Up 21 weeks pregnant – Our baby is the size of a pomegranate I thought Bob had tried pomegranate before but her reaction made me wonder. She was so suspicious of it! Eventually I convinced her to try some. At first I thought she quite liked it. I was wrong! She was not impressed with it! I am sorry about the quality of my pomegranate photo. I only noticed how blurry it was when I came to put [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on July 14, 2015 Pregnancy & Childbirth 2 Responses »
Pregnancy Diaries - 21 Weeks

This post was written on the 18th May A couple of days after I wrote my last post I started to feel the baby move again. I was so relived! It was different from before. The movements had all been fluttery feelings now they were short sharp nudges which I questioned each time they happened for a couple of days. I felt more reassured going to my 20 week scan. Unfortunately the scan wasn’t a very nice experience. They thought [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on July 10, 2015 Pregnancy & Childbirth No Responses »
The Size Of A Banana

Pregnancy Catch Up 20 weeks pregnant – our baby is the size of a banana This week’s fruit doesn’t make much sense when you compare it to the surrounding weeks. After a bit of research I realised that it is because some weeks are measured by weight and some by length. We had fun with our banana baby this week. Bob enjoyed making banana smiles… …and I enjoyed playing rock-a-bye banana. 🙂 I think baby brain is definitely in full [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on June 29, 2015 Pregnancy & Childbirth 2 Responses »
Pregnancy Diaries - 20 Weeks

This post was written on the 11th May As you may remember from a previous post, I have been able to feel the baby move since I was around 12 weeks. For the last couple of weeks I haven’t felt any movement. I can’t help worrying! I have my next scan on Thursday and I am hoping that everything will be alright! I never felt huge movements but I felt flutters every evening. I am now at the stage where [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on June 26, 2015 Pregnancy & Childbirth 1 Response »
Jun 222015
The Size Of A Mango

Pregnancy Catch Up 19 weeks pregnant – our baby is the size of a mango Bob loves mango so she was very pleased when she found out what this week’s fruit was! She couldn’t wait to eat some but not before she had her photo taken with it over her face. 🙂 I know that Bob is going to make a wonderful big sister! She is so excited about having a sibling and she can’t wait to see if it [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on June 22, 2015 Pregnancy & Childbirth No Responses »
Pregnancy Diaries - 19 Weeks

This post was written on the 4th May I have really struggled with my legs this week. They haven’t stopped me having fun on holiday but the have been constantly aching. My left leg has been much worse than my right and I have had to prop it up on a pillow at night. My arms have been aching on and off too. Luckily we were at Bluestone when my aches and pains were at their worst. We went swimming [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on June 19, 2015 Pregnancy & Childbirth 1 Response »