Bob loves Strictly Come Dancing! I like it to but I am not allowed to watch it. We all gather round to watch it together but as soon as the dancing begins Bob starts to twirl and turn around the living room. I try to watch the show but if she catches me looking at the television she says, ‘Are you watching me Mummy?’


After each dance we have to give Bob her scores. It is good fun but I would like to watch the programme too. Maybe I will have to start watching it twice, once with Bob and then again when she has gone to bed.

I have an infographic from Great British Bingo to share with you. It has some interesting facts and reminds us of the winners of all the previous series. I was shocked to learn that there have been 11 series of the show.



 Posted by Charlotte on October 14, 2015 Uncategorized  Add comments

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