I would love to do exercise but I can never seem to be bothered. Might have something to do with the fact that Bob still doesn’t sleep through.

I also struggle to get motivated. I enjoy classes as you have an instructor encouraging you to move but if I am left to my own devices I don’t tend to break a sweat. I joined a gym once but I spent most of my time there sitting on a bike chatting instead of pedalling.

I have been wanting to try Yoga for a while. I think Yoga would suit me as it is relaxing and I used to enjoy the stretching session when I used to dance. I bought a Yoga DVD and I was looking forward to trying it out.

The problem with this relaxing and calming form of exercise is that I am usually accompanied by a little person. I attempted the DVD twice and I can’t really say that either of the sessions was relaxing. The first time Bob rolled a wind up caterpillar over my head and the second she tried to stick a Christmas cracker hat up my bum. 

I am thinking of trying to find a local class but I am worried about what I should wear. I doubt I can wear the same thing that I wore at home and attend the class in my pyjamas. I think I need to buy some workout clothes.

Now we have our new puppy I am looking forward to all of our walks. Our 2 mini dachshunds look at me like I have lost the plot if I ask them if they would like to go for a walk. Lucy isn’t able to as she has limited use of her back legs and Poppy is reluctant.


Bob and I enjoy going for walks and it will be lovely to take Sally with us when she is older. You never know our walks might turn into runs. That would be good exercise and I’m sure I could keep up with Bob. 

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post.

 Posted by Charlotte on February 3, 2014 Uncategorized  Add comments

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