Feb 022014

I have been saved on several occasions by my knight in shining armour. On this occasion I don’t mean my husband. In fact, my husband has also been saved by my knight in shining armour too. I am talking about the very, very nice man from the AA.

He has rescued us when we were en route to my friends wedding. Our break lights stopped working and, in slow moving traffic, the man in the car behind us got out to tell us. It was unsafe for us to continue driving so we pulled over and called our hero. He came in his noble stead/yellow van and he escorted us to a garage. He then found and fitted the relevant parts for us which he didn’t have to do. I told you he was a very, very nice man!

He also came to save me when many lights on my dashboard came on. I managed to get to work but was scared to drive home in case there was a problem. I called my friend again and he worked out what the problem was and fixed it. It was something complicated to do with a pipe thingy. I am very mechanically minded as you can tell.


A few years ago, before Bob was even thought of, we cancelled our membership for a while. Money was tight as I was at uni doing my PGCE and I wasn’t driving as often as I travelled by train. When Bob came along our AA membership was one of the first thing we renewed. The cost of their breakdown cover is well worth it just for piece of mind, never mind all the extra things they do. With a young child in the car we wouldn’t be without it.


It also helps my confidence with the icy weather approaching. I am quite a nervous driver since my accident 18 months ago and having someone to call if I get into difficult really helps!


 Posted by Charlotte on February 2, 2014 Uncategorized  Add comments

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