Today you started Primary School. This is such a big milestone in your life! I couldn’t help thinking how small you looked when you put on your uniform! This wasn’t helped by the fact that your age 4 pinafore dress looked so big on you!
You must have been keen to go to school as you awoke at 4am. Luckily you went back to sleep for 2 hours, otherwise I am not sure you would have made it through the day.
Before we left the house you kept saying how much you would miss me. I will miss you too baby girl, more than you’ll ever know, but I know you will have a wonderful time!
You are more than ready for school. You loved it when you visited before the summer holidays and I know you will love it even more now.
As we walked to school you held your head high! You told me how you were going to be very good and how you were going to listen when you were being read a story.
We were the first ones there (apart from the breakfast club) so we sat on the bench and watched as the teachers and children set up the outdoor area. You seemed a little nervous and even smaller than you did at home. I talked about how much fun you were going to have to try to put you at ease.
Then a friend that you had made on your visits, who is now in year 1, called you over to the fence. She was setting up the toys when she spotted you. She was pleased to see you and you both stood talking for a while. This seemed to help your confidence and as your other little friends arrived you went over to say hello.
When the teacher opened the gate my heart sank but 2 minutes later it burst with pride as you went up to Mrs. Wright and gave her a hug. I knew from that moment you would be absolutely fine.
We went to find your coat peg and we worked out where to put your book bag and your water bottle. You then went to write your name on the white board without any prompting from anyone.
I gave you a big kiss and a hug and then watched you go off to play. As I walked away from the school I had a huge lump in my throat! When did my baby girl get so grown up?
I hope your time at Primary School is a wonderful one! I want you to live, laugh and learn and make some beautiful friends! I know I won’t be there for every cut, graze or bump anymore and I won’t be the only one wiping away your tears but I will be waiting for you at the end of each day and looking forward to hearing about all of your adventures!
Dream big baby girl!
She looks so cute! If she just started, she’ll be tired this week. School wore my two boys out. They loved it from the start, and still do.
She started today. She seems alright at the moment but I know she will be worn out soon. x
Love this! Bet it was emotional to write! Xx
I was still crying from dropping her off! xx
Beautiful photos. Beautiful words. Beautiful girl Xxx
Thanks hon! xxx
Aww! Bless her….She looks so grown up and smart in her uniform. I hope she has had a wonderful day x
I haven’t got much out of her other than what she had for lunch and snack but she wants to go back tomorrow which is a good sign.
Glad she was happy to go off with no problems. She does look so small in her uniform, but then against the older school kids, they all do I suppose.
Oh bless, she looks so little in her uniform. Hope she had a lovely time.
Thank you! x
Oh gosh, I teared up a little reading this! So precious and she does look tiny! I hope she loves school! x
Sorry! She is enjoying it so far! I hope the novelty doesn’t wear off! x
Super cute
She looks so cheeky and happy bless her.
Awww so many lovely photos, she looks so grown up and so tiny at the same time! I love how cheeky she looks in so many of these photos =)
Aw bless her she looks so cute in her uniform x
Such a beautiful post, adorable pictures. I hope she has an amazing time at primary school.
Such a gorgeous post. It brought tears to my eyes, but the look of pure joy on your little girls face is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing.x
Oh my goodness, what a gorgeous collection of photos! Something tells me this little lady is going to do just great at school!
It seems like she already has them wrapped around her little finger.
I don’t know why but this has made me cry…she looks so confident, happy and beautiful and your words show just how much you love your little girl, it’s beautiful
Thank you and I’m sorry for making you cry! xx
Awww, it must be tough letting go of your little one. However, I’m so glad she is fully ready and confident going to school.
Aw these kind of posts bring me back to my childhood! Hope she’s getting on well in school
What some gorgeous photos – I really hope the first day of school went well! x
Aww such lovely photos! Hope her first day went well x
Ah she looks so gorgeous and happy! I’m sure she’ll have a fabulous time at school.
Your blog post is so cute. Your daughter will be able to look back in time and read all the kind words you have written. She looks like she is really looking forward to go to school soon and I hope she will enjoy her first year as much as her first day.
Such a lovely post, I hope she had a lovely first day at school! I love the fact that she wants to be a mummy when she’s older
Oh what a cutie! Pickle starts in January and I just can’t bear the thought of it! I hope she is settling in well. Kaz x