
My husband and I are terrible when it comes to parting with things. Our sheds are full to the brim and we don’t even know what is in them, cupboards are over filled with things that we haven’t used in years and my wardrobe is bursting open but yet I have nothing to wear.

This year we have got the selling bug! We did a car boot sale a couple of years ago which was quite successful. We made over £200 by selling old DVDs and baby clothes. The problem was that we had to practically give things away. Also, it is the wrong time of year for a car boot sale.

We have been members of eBay for years but suddenly we have become addicted! We are sorting through cupboards, drawers and sheds and seeing what we can sell. We have listed a few things but we are having to hold back a bit at the moment as we go away next week and we will not have time to sell and post the items before we go. I have lots of things ready to list when we return though and I am already excited about it.

Sometimes I worry that we will want things that we are selling in the future but realistically if we haven’t used it in years I doubt we will suddenly need it. Our bank balance is in need of improvement so hopefully this will also help our cash flow. I have made a pledge via the Lloyds Bank Facebook app to sort out our debts and this is the year we are going to make it happen!


Bob is not very helpful when it comes to clearing out. Toys that she hasn’t played with in months suddenly become her favourite when she sees them heading towards the box. I think she takes after us in the hoarding department. I have had to sneak some things to the bin. Throwing away things that are broken and tatty or things that she hasn’t given a second thought in months would break her heart!

I am surprised at how addictive selling can be! I am worried that I have watched too much Only Fools & Horses when I was growing up! My dad is a huge fan and I am too! When watching an episode we laugh because we know a funny moment is coming up. We laugh during the funny moment. We then rewind the funny part and watch it again. We drive my mum crazy!

This time next year, we’ll be millionaires!



 Posted by Charlotte on January 20, 2014 Uncategorized  Add comments

  4 Responses to “This Is The Year We Sell, Sell, Sell.”


    We sooo need to take a leaf out of your book! We are busting at the seams and I juts can’t face eBay at the mo! Muts gather the energy from somewhere… lol x


    Just don’t forget about your supporters when you are rolling in cash ;0) I am a bit the same, and I worry if I give something away it will be upset and feel unloved. The way I have gotten around this is to give the stuff to charity as I feel I am doing some good and giving the item a chance to be loved.

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