May 272015

Pregnancy Catch Up

14 weeks pregnant – our baby is the size of a lemon

Bob already knows what lemons taste like so she seemed to go into hiding when I told her what this week’s fruit was. 🙂

For some reason she pretends to like lemonS. When we have a slice in a drink she asks to taste it. Even when it has been sweetened by the drink she still pulls some crazy faces when she tastes it. I was convinced I would have a photo of this somewhere but I can’t find one. 🙁 

As she winces her way through the lemon she says through gritted teeth, ‘I like it.’

Today she said she liked lemon but she was too full up to try any. We believe you Bob! 


To see my first post and read about the madness behind this idea click here.

 Posted by Charlotte on May 27, 2015 Pregnancy & Childbirth  Add comments

  One Response to “The Size Of A Lemon”


    Aww bless her!

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