Pregnancy Catch Up

27 weeks pregnant – Our baby is the size of a cauliflower

I have heard the expression cauliflower ear before but I am not sure I have heard the expression cauliflower head. 🙂 Bob’s photo bombing really makes me smile! 


Bob likes cauliflower. I prefer it smothered in cheese sauce but for some reason she prefers it plain. Strange child.

At 27 weeks our baby can breath. He is not breathing air he is breathing amniotic fluid but he is going through the motions. He is also starting to use his brain.


To see my first post and read about the madness behind this idea click here.

 Posted by Charlotte on September 4, 2015 Pregnancy & Childbirth  Add comments

  13 Responses to “The Size Of A Cauliflower”


    Eeeeekkkk exciting times! Not far off the big 3-0 when it all hits home! x


    I like cauliflower plain too haha although I do like it with gravy rather than cheese sauce. Your pregnancy seems to be flying by! x


    Your pregnancy has flown by. I have loved following and I am looking forward to seeing more post’s like this over the next few weeks.


      Thank you! Can’t believe I am now nearly 37 weeks! Need to catch up with posts, otherwise I’ll still be posting pregnancy posts when the baby is 6 months old! 🙂 x


    It’s interesting to follow your pregnancy mapped out like this. I’m looking forward to following you through to the birth.


    I miss being pregnant so much and can’t believe that my LG is 11 months old tomorrow. I loved having a physical reminder or how much she was growing x


    Good luck with your pregnancy! x


    I used to love thinking how big my baby was and what she was doing, pregnancy amazes me. I also prefer my cauliflower smothered in a cheese sauce x


    Bless hope you are keeping well x

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