Choosing a child’s name is such a big responsibility! The name that you choose will be stuck with them for life!
Before Bob was born (just in case you didn’t know, Bob is a nickname and we are not cruel) my husband and I thought long and hard about what to call her. I found out that she was a girl at my 20 week scan but before that we discussed boys and girls names.
There were a few girls names that I liked but no boys names seemed right. Names that I had loved before I was pregnant I no longer liked and perfectly nice names I hated. I trawled through baby name books and searched the Internet but nothing would do. I think that this is because I knew that Bob was a girl. My husband thinks that I’m crazy but I think that somewhere inside, somehow I just knew.
Bounty have compiled a list of the most popular names of 2012 and they also share some celebrity baby names as well as the weird and wonderful. I found this really interesting and it left me wondering why I didn’t call Bob Tinkerbell. 😉

If you are in the process of choosing baby names choose wisely! Blade Buzz-Bee won’t thank you for it! 😉
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