Sep 112014

The cost of living seems so expensive at the minute! Our weekly shop can cost us a fortune and just nipping to the supermarket for a few bits can add up to £40! Natwest have developed a Child Cost Calculator which is handy if you are planning to start a family and you want to see how much you can expect to spend.

After realising how expensive having a child can be I put Bob to work. 😉


My friend has got it all worked out! When we went away to Devon recently we nipped to the supermarket up the road and spent too much money. She travelled to the nearest town and found an Aldi.

Throughout the week I tried several of the things that she had bought and most of them tasted as good as the leading brands. She kept saying how cheap it was but I didn’t see how it could be that much different.

Also we had a bad experience with Aldi a couple of years ago. When Huggies stopped selling nappies in this country I was not happy! I tried so many other nappies to find a replacement. I had heard that Aldi’s own brand were good so we went to buy some.

Whilst we were there we decided to buy a few things but we struggled to get the things that we liked. Their fresh food section wasn’t very good but we did get some cheap treats.

We got to the till and had a nightmare! We hadn’t realised that they didn’t take cards. Instead of cancelling the transaction the lady waited whilst Michael went to the cash point across the road. I had a queue of angry shoppers behind me and it was horrible.

When we returned home from our holiday I braved Aldi to see what all the fuss was about. It was much better than I remembered! The fresh section had greatly improved and I managed to buy everything I needed.

I reached the till with a huge trolley full. I thought that it was going to cost £100, even at Aldi’s prices. The total came to £63! I couldn’t believe it!

All of the products we have had have been lovely! I have made several meals and there is no difference in taste or quality.

We are having to be much more careful with money at the moment as moving house is so expensive. We need to continue to do this in the future. I have adapted the old phrase slightly. Look after the pounds and the tenners look after themselves. 🙂


 Posted by Charlotte on September 11, 2014 Uncategorized  Add comments

  2 Responses to “The Cost Of Living”


    I have to say I regularly shop at either Aldi or Lidl (I can never remember which one my local one is, I think it may be Lidl) the only tip I pop into one of the ‘bigger’ supermarkets is when I need to buy something that I know Aldi don’t stock.

    Although I do push the boat out a little and go to a butchers and greengrocers for meat and veg, but that’s because I want to support local and buy high welfare meat (I don’t know what Lidl or Aldi’s welfare standards are!)

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