Bow loves the ‘That’s Not my…’ books. He has a couple of them at home and he always picks up one to borrow when we go to the library. They are a lovely range of books and I love the beautiful illustrations.
The 50th book in the award winning series is my favourite! That’s not my Unicorn is wonderful! It is filled with magical illustrations and lovely touch and feel details. It also has a pearlescent cover and rainbow sprayed edges!
As with the other books in the series, we go through several unicorns trying to find the one that belongs to us. We know that they are not our Unicorn because one of their features just isn’t right! It’s hooves are too bumpy, it’s ears are too soft, etc.
Bow absolutely loved it! I read it to him and then he has ‘read’ it to himself many times. He loved trying to spot the little mouse on each page and he cheered every time he found it!
Bob loves it too! This shows that these gorgeous books don’t just appeal to pre school children.
I have a copy of ‘That’s Not My Unicorn to giveaway to one of my lucky readers. There are many ways to enter using the Rafflecopter below. Good luck!
This giveaway is listed on
Disclaimer: We were sent this book free of charge for the purpose of this post.
We’re going on a bear hunt
The Lion , The Witch and The Wardrobe
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Going on a bear hunt
Peace at Last
Going on a bear hunt.
Alfie’s new red shoes!
It was The Witches x
Harry Potter series
The Gruffalo.
Guess how much I love you I read to my children, and when I was a child I loved James and the giant peach xx
I always liked the Secret Seven series. My sons love the Gruffalo more though
I love peace at last.
Soo many to choose from…Adventures with Rosalind was one I loved form my 60s childhood.
the gruffalo
the wishing powder by maggie prince
The Gruffalo
Spot the Dog! It was my favourite as a child and now it’s my kids favourite too!
The Tiger Who Came To Tea was always my most loved book
the magic faraway tree
The smartest Giant in Town
Quacky, Quack, Quack
The Gruffalo’s Child
famous five go off in a caravan
Room on the Broom.
I have always loved The Last Noo Noo by Jill Murphy, it’s a real fun read.
my favourite to read to my children is a squash & a squeeze by Julia Donaldson.
Matilda by Roald Dahl
The Twits
The Tiger who came to tea!
Harry Potter-all of them !
Any Thomas Tank for grandchildren
Harry Potter series
Aliens love underpants x
It has got to be The Hungry Caterpillar!!
The Very Hungry Caterpillar was my favourite from my childhood. I also liked George’s Marvellous Medicine.
My naughty little sister
The goodnight train
The Gruffalo,s child
The Hungry Caterpillar
Room on the Broom
james and the giant peach
Spot the Dog
the very hungry caterpillar
Julia Donaldson’s Foxes Socks is my daughters fav!
Ten Little Pirates
The Gruffalo.