I think I have created a monster!
I have always let Bob play games on my phone and this has never been a problem. Last week I helped her to discover You Tube and already she is obsessed!
I thought that it might be fun to watch some songs on the iPad with Bob. There are some great videos and we really enjoyed joining in with the actions.
One day, when the iPad needed charging, I stupidly showed Bob that we could also watch You Tube on my phone. Now, whenever I get my phone to do really important jobs (like writing blog posts and checking twitter) Bob wants to watch Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes or The Duck Song!
She whines, she points, she cries! She doesn’t understand my reasoning. ‘Mummy has work to do.’ ‘Mummy needs to check her e mails.’ ‘Mummy really needs to read her timeline!’ 😉
On the bright side, The Duck Song is fabulous! If you haven’t watched it you are missing a treat!!!
I think we may need to try You Tube cold turkey before my little angel turns into a techy monster!!!

If you would like to write a Terrible Twosday guest post please let me know.
Happy Twosday!!!
Love the duck song! Haven’t let Dylan near the phone or tab yet but will try this when he is ready x
Be very careful! ;0) x
One of the first things I hear every morning is Mummy find the duck! (Usually while she beats me over the head with my phone). It’s like a third member of our household! x
Oh dear! I suppose it could be worse. They could be obsessed with Barney! x
We went through a phase of this on the computer… my nemesis was the Elmo duck song… have you heard that one? It’s very catchy lol! xx
I haven’t heard that one. Will look next time I dare. :0) x
Fantastic Charlotte – loved it! The stall holders face changing made me laugh! Bet Rebecca and Fiona could use that in class! Loads of work from that! x
I never thought of that! It would be great for emotions! x
Oh dear! Bob likes watching songs in different languages but I think that can only be a good thing. x
You just wait!! A is only two and she knows her way around the iPad better than me! She takes it off charge when I’m not looking and finds the games she likes and off she goes! She has also managed to post a couple of random Facebook posts too!!
Oh dear! It’s unbelievable what they can do! x
My wee man loves You Tube…we have a bunch of italian songs that he has been addicted to since forever! He also has a thing for Baby Einstein and it works wonders to keep him in bed with us in the mornings for an extra 20 minutes. As soon as we bring him into the bed now he just points immediately to my phone on the bedside table.
That’s good! Might restrict it to a certain time. Stop her being obsessed. x
My kids love playing with the phone too. And they are 7 and 5.
I guess that means it won’t be a phase. x
Oh we love the duck song. We’ve always used our phones to entertain babies and toddlers, annoying when they just assume that they have first priority!
lol we had this with CBeebies on the laptop for a while. Cold turkey is the only way… they soon forget! lol x