Today’s guest post comes from Celia at 2 Under 2 and I think it is genius! 🙂 Sorry Celia, I am trying to sympathise but your post made me laugh so much! Little Jenny is definitely keeping her Mummy on her toes!
If you haven’t visited Celia’s blog yet, pop over and say ‘Hello,’ because she is lovely! Just incase you need anymore convincing here is her guest post.
Guest Post
Since moving her into a big girl bed, I have collected an album of photos called ‘Why we should never assume that Jennifer is asleep.’
Pictures include her bedroom covered with an entire packet’s-worth of baby wipes, her face covered in expensive foundation (this was ten minutes before she was due to appear as my sister’s bridesmaid) and her toddler bed dragged over to the other side of the room to act as a climbing frame.
But the story that makes us prouder than any other is the Sudocrem Incident.
One week day I was happily tackling some work downstairs, having not heard a peep out of Jenny in well over 20 minutes. I thought it was safe to assume she’d nodded off.
I heard a sudden thump and the sound of her running across her room so I went up to check out the scene and this is what I found:
Her bed looked like it had been the stage for a snowman massacre. I had to wash her bed sheet three times and it still smells of Sudocrem. I had to throw out her old duvet and pillow set and get it replaced. The carpet still sports attractive grey spots and the other day I found a little white handprint behind her chest of drawers.
So the morals are never leave nappy cream within reach of podgy little hands and ALWAYS keep your camera phone in your pocket. These are the pictures I’ll curl up with when I’m old and grey.

Tee hee! I mean Oh dear!!!
On the bright side, I think that Sudocrem smells quite nice! 😉
If you would like to write a Terrible Twosday guest post please let me know.
Happt Twosday!!!
That is hilarious! I have had a sudocrem incident with my now seven year old son it is hideous stuff in the wrong hands!
I am hiding the Sudocrem from now on!!! 😉
Hehe, kids eh!
OMG! Puts my woes into perspective lol xxx
OMG! Puts my woes into perspective lol xxx
Hope you are o.k. hon! x
We’ve been there too – Cian did very same, white face and all poor thing had also rubbed it into his eyes which you think would put him off for life but no it’s like a magnet where he’s concerned! For all the warning labels on all the products these days I don’t see ‘KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN’ on Sudocreme and it should be there! xx
Brilliant! What a nightmare yet so funny at the same time. Little monkey 🙂 *hides Sudocrem on the highest shelf possible*x.
🙂 It is so funny when it isn’t happening to you. Luckily Bob never painted with Sudocrem. 🙂 x