Bob had a bit of trouble with her first 8 teeth. The first 2 came at 4 months, which I thought was far too early! The next 6 decided to arrive 1 after the other so that the poor little mite didn’t get a break. However this was nothing compared to what we are experiencing at the moment.

With the first 8 she had unsettled nights where she whimpered more than usual but Bob always has unsettled nights so it didn’t seem too much out of the ordinary. Yesterday afternoon she was very unsettled which is unlike her! She may not sleep but she makes up for it by being an angel for most of the day. Judging by the amount of drool that she was producing, I thought that she might be teething.

Last night she sobbed constantly! She would finally fall asleep and then, moments later; she would wake up crying and put her hand to her mouth. We gave her some Teetha crystals. When that didn’t work we applied some Dentinox gel. When that had no affect we fed her Calpol. Then, as I didn’t know what else to try, I sat with a teething stick and a bowl of ice and let Bob dip the stick into the bowl and rub it on her gums. This worked for about half an hour. After this Bob became too tired to continue. We returned to the sleep, wake, cry, touch mouth routine.

I felt so sorry for her and hated that I couldn’t take her pain away! After Googling the order of baby teeth I have realised that these will be her first molars and, as they are bigger, they are likely to cause more trouble. Hopefully they will cut soon and sleep will be restored! Who am I kidding! Well, at least the crying will stop. Toothache is awful for an adult to endure so it must be unbearable for a little one! I just wish that I could magic away her pain! I would gladly suffer for her, if that were possible!

My mum thinks that teeth are a waste of time! We struggle with them as babies. They all fall out for us to have to grow them again as children. We then spend our lives living at the dentist and struggling with our wisdom teeth only for them all to fall out again! She thinks that life would be much easier if we didn’t have teeth. When asked if she thought we would look silly, she said that if nobody had teeth, we wouldn’t know any different. Maybe she has a point! Mum, this one’s for you!

Dad looks the same as he never shows his teeth on photographs. Does he have any? 😉

 Posted by Charlotte on April 18, 2012 Being a Mother  Add comments

  9 Responses to “Teeth – Are They Worth The Hassle?”


    hahahahahhahaha , hope Molly bucks up soon xx


    I like it! I am with your mum: teeth are a pain and only become more expensive! At 19 months Wriggles only has 5 and a half teeth so I have realised with dread we still have a LONG road ahead. Gaaaah! Good luck with molars xx


    I totally agree with your mum. My teeth are RUBBISH. Too many teeth for the amount of space in my mouth, despite having four removed as a teenager. Then they start going wrong too, had my first root canal surgery last year.

    I’d rather be rid of them, but until I rule the world and can decree that everyone else does the same I’d be afraid of looking a bit silly.

    Hope Bob gets them through soon and returns to being a happy baby 🙂


      I was the same! Did you get fangs? People can’t believe that I have a small mouth as a lot of noise comes out of it! ;o) You never know. Maybe it will catch on! ;o)


    So funny. Still look gorgeous 🙂 Poor Bob, though 🙁 Hope she’s ok.


    We are having terribly trouble at the moment. All 4 front teeth appeared at the same time along with nappy rash, tonsillitis and a chest infection! Next few are starting to appear and the poor mite is struggling. Hope yours improves soon x

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