It is hard for a new family to start managing finances. With the little time at hand, whether or not you have one child or more, you eventually get settled into a decent yet tiring routine. Once this routine has gotten easier, and every task is made almost mechanically without realizing it, then you might actually feel like it is perfectly fitting for your skills as a multitasker to consider a part time or stay at home job. A job as a stay at home accountant is a great option that entails not only some extra money, but also a gained knowledge that will help you understand your own finances better.
To become an accountant, it is important to start out by thinking what type of an accountant you want to be; you will need to obtain at least one from a recognized range of qualifications. The one you choose will then connect you to a certain body throughout your career. Given that being a mom takes away most of your time and energy it is best to probably study online, there are many accounting courses available. Once you have the necessary qualifications, you are ready to start interviewing! Be prepared for accountancy specific questions, competency based questions and questions that are helpful for the employer to just get to know you. Here are some frequently asked accounting interview questions to be prepared for:
1) Why do you want be an accountant?
2) What skills will you bring to help you be successful in the job?
3) Why did you choose ICAEW/ACCA/CIMA/CIPFA as your accountancy qualification?
4) What are 3 different retirement savings options?
5) What is portfolio asset management?
Asset management, tax implications and understanding of financial terminology are only a couple areas that you will develop in as an accountant. As a result of your gained understand in finance, your personal finance will benefit, as you understand how to manage a budget and plan for the future on a different level. From there, setting up your retirement savings and sticking to your monthly grocery bill will be much easier.
With some organization, you’ll be on your way to land a stay at home job in accounting in no time! As for your confidence with your personal finances, what better way is there to give them a boost and have a greater understanding on how to manage them?
This article was written by Mary, passionate about writing, novels, and traveling.
I love the idea of learning accounting as a stay at home job! I need to get a better handle of my personal finances first.
I think everyone can improve their finances in some way so this is perfect x