First (And Second) Time On A Swing

I don’t know. No swings for months and then 2 in 2 days! 😉 I am not sure who enjoyed it the most! 😉  

 Posted by Charlotte on April 6, 2012 Firsts 4 Responses »
Apr 042012
Just Like Mummy


 Posted by Charlotte on April 4, 2012 Being a Mother 7 Responses »
Mar 282012
First Shoes

Bob has finally found some shoes that fit! Her little feet must have grown. She has had to make do with crawlers not cruisers, as her feet are still tiny, but it’s a start. They grow up far too quickly!

 Posted by Charlotte on March 28, 2012 Firsts 9 Responses »
Terrible Twosdays (Not Just For 2 Year Olds)

I am so glad that I have Terrible Twosday in my life! It makes me see the funny side of everything! Last week Bob did something that would, normally, traumatise me! Instead I smiled, grabbed the camera and got excited about this weeks post. Now for the trauma… When we are home alone I take Bob into the bathroom when I need to go to the toilet. Until recently she would just sit on her mat and play with her [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 26, 2012 Terrible Twosday 16 Responses »
Mar 262012
Soft Play

Bob and her friend (who will be called Cyril for the purpose of this blog post) have recently discovered soft play! Their mums, sorry, they love it!!! The place that we go to is in Doncaster and it is called Astrabound. It has a separate section for toddlers and it is over 3 floors. There’s a giant ball pool, slides, tunnels, mirrors, rope bridges, bumps, roller things, spinning things and dangling things! (Those are the official technical terms!) As Bob [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 26, 2012 Activities 3 Responses »
Mar 252012
Ha! Ha! Ha!

I think that Bob’s sleeping habits are even annoying her! Look what she pulled off the book shelf this morning! I couldn’t believe it. Still laughing! ;o)  I thought that she had managed to sleep for 2 hours in the early hours of this morning until I realised that my phone had automatically added an hour. Oh well.

 Posted by Charlotte on March 25, 2012 Being a Mother 9 Responses »
Peter Rabbit's House!!!

Last week my husband booked some time off work and we decided to go away for the night. We looked into where we could go and tried to find somewhere that Bob would enjoy. I said that we needed a Disney hotel in this country but I never thought that we would get it. When my husband suggested Alton Towers I immediately thought that Bob would be too young. When I looked on the Internet I found out that the [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 21, 2012 Activities 12 Responses »