Apr 262012

When I stopped breastfeeding Bob (see To B Or Not To B?) and I thought that my breasts had settled down, I went to be measured for some new bras. When the lady told me my size, I could not believe it! I had gone up 3 cup sizes!!! I asked her if she thought that they would stay this way and she said that her Mum’s were still big after having her and she was 22. I purchased some new [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on April 26, 2012 Being a Mother 5 Responses »

This week The Paper Mama’s Photo Challenge theme is eyes. The only thing that I can post for this is a picture of Bob’s beautiful eyes as, when I try to think outside the box, they are all I can think of!!! Pop over to The Paper Mama to see the other entries. In the meantime feel free to stare at Bob’s eyes for as long as you wish! I have been here for hours! 😉 I am also going [click here to read on]

Terrible Twosday (Not Just For 2 Year Olds)

A terrible thing happened last Tuesday! Bob managed to steal one of her favourite things! The sky remote! As I went to take it from her everything turned to black and white!!! Well on the television at least. I tried to get the colour back but nothing worked! Even my trusty technical trick of turning things off and then back on again failed me! My husband was due home so I didn’t panic, as I knew he’d be able to [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on April 23, 2012 Terrible Twosday 16 Responses »
I'm Pregnant! - My Pregnancy Diaries

I knew that I was pregnant before the test did. I was at work and I was getting strange stitch like pains all over my tummy. This however wasn’t what convinced me. Before I continue I should give you a bit of background information. I worked in a Primary School in Foundation Stage 2. The lower primary team was all women but we did have a male and a female toilet. (Trust me this is relevant!) I am very odd [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on April 21, 2012 Pregnancy & Childbirth 12 Responses »
Teeth - Are They Worth The Hassle?

Bob had a bit of trouble with her first 8 teeth. The first 2 came at 4 months, which I thought was far too early! The next 6 decided to arrive 1 after the other so that the poor little mite didn’t get a break. However this was nothing compared to what we are experiencing at the moment. With the first 8 she had unsettled nights where she whimpered more than usual but Bob always has unsettled nights so it [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on April 18, 2012 Being a Mother 9 Responses »
Apr 142012
Silent Sunday


 Posted by Charlotte on April 14, 2012 Silent Sunday 19 Responses »
Apr 132012
A Haven Holiday

We’re back!!! Laptop, how I’ve missed you! 😉 We have had a lovely time! I even had the odd day when I didn’t even think about blogging (sorry for swearing) so we must have been having lots of fun! If I am honest, at first, I was a bit scared. When we walked into the complex on our first night it was manic! I have never seen so many people and flashing lights! We soon adjusted to the madness though [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on April 13, 2012 Activities 14 Responses »