See It! Snap It! Love It! - Love

I only have myself to blame when it comes to this week’s See It! Snap It! Love It! challenge. When asked to choose a theme, because I won the Eyes photo challenge (did I mention that?) 😉 the word love popped into my head. It was only when I started to think about what I could photograph that I realised how complicated this theme was! I could have posted a photo of Bob, and written about how I love her [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on May 9, 2012 Photography 10 Responses »
Terrible Twosday (Not Just For 2 Year Olds)

We have always shared things with Bob! I have known friends of mine purposely not share their food with a child so that they wouldn’t beg. When I first heard this, I thought it was a bit mean, as we were talking about a child, not a dog. Recently I have started to understand why they did this. Bob enjoys sharing things with us and, even if we were eating/drinking something that was unsuitable for her, I would make sure [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on May 7, 2012 Terrible Twosday 6 Responses »
4D Scan - My Pregnancy Diaries

I didn’t think that I would want to have a 4D scan. I had seen images from my friends scans and, to be honest, some of them were quite scary. When the constant sickness started I panicked that Bob wasn’t getting the nutrition she needed. Although my midwife assured me that she would be fine and that it would be me who suffered, I couldn’t help panicking. I worried that my dodgy diet (See Pregnancy Problems) had caused her to [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on May 7, 2012 Pregnancy & Childbirth 9 Responses »
Blog It For Babies - Nottingham

The day has arrived! Annie (Mammasaurus) has reached Nottingham on her weekly tour of the U.K. raising money for Save The Children, with Blog It For Babies! Today many East Midlands based bloggers will join Annie and Penny Alexander (who has organised this amazing opportunity) to create 1 of 12 huge windows in EXXOPOLIS, the next Luminarium! A Luminarium is a giant, colourful, inflatable sculpture, which you can walk inside and explore! You can find out more on the Architects [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on May 3, 2012 Uncategorized 8 Responses »
Pregnancy Problems - My Pregnancy Diaries

I didn’t suffer from morning sickness in my first trimester. In fact I had very little sickness until I was about 24 weeks pregnant. From then on I couldn’t keep anything down! Almost everything I ate made me sick. The only things that kept me going were Cadburys Buttons and  Crunchy Nut Cornflakes. I worried that Bob wasn’t getting the nutrition that she needed but my midwife assured me that she would take everything from me and that I would [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on May 2, 2012 Pregnancy & Childbirth 4 Responses »
Terrible Twosday! (Not Just For Two Year Olds!)

On Friday, when I had put it off until I could put it off no more, we went shopping for clothes for the holiday. (See Holiday Showdown.) I wasn’t looking forward to this, as I still haven’t come to terms with my post baby body. To be honest, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I managed to get everything I needed, including some one-piece swimming costumes. I have a distant memory of wearing bikinis. Pre [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on April 30, 2012 Terrible Twosday 6 Responses »
Sex?!? - My Pregnancy Diaries

We thought long and hard about whether to find out the sex of our baby at the 20 week scan. To begin with we thought that it would be nice to have a surprise. To ring people and say ‘It’s a…!’ rather than ‘he/she is here’ seemed much more exciting. After a few weeks of watching One Born Every Minute we changed our minds. I watched several deliveries where they did not know the sex of their baby. By the [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on April 30, 2012 Pregnancy & Childbirth 6 Responses »