Igam Ogam Review & Giveaway

How have I never heard of Igam Ogam before? She is great! When Signature Entertainment asked me if I would like to review and giveaway an Igam Ogam DVD I had to say yes out of curiosity. I had no idea what Igam Ogam was! It turns out she is this fabulous, pint sized cave girl with some amazing friends. My favourite character is Triple Tog. He is a duvet made out of a saber toothed tiger. 😉 I am [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on April 14, 2014 Reviews 13 Responses »
Our Private Playground

This post has been sitting in my drafts folder for months! I had completely forgotten about it. As summer has finally arrived (I hope I’m not speaking too soon!) Bob and I have been visiting our playground again. This is what reminded me that I had never published this post. It was lovely to see how much more enjoyment Bob got out of the park, now that she is older. I took some lovely photos and I thought that I [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on July 22, 2012 Activities, Photography 13 Responses »

Happy Birthday Bob!!! I still need tissues handy to watch this. Click here to see our other videos.

 Posted by Charlotte on May 24, 2012 Being a Mother 56 Responses »

Although our holiday started badly, it ended well. (See A Holiday Of 2 Halves.) That is until the day that we were going home. Bob adjusted to Spanish time whilst we were away. She would siesta for an hour and a half at teatime, stay up until 11.30pm and then sleep in until 9.30am. Don’t get me wrong, she still woke up every 2 hours throughout the night but I would have been worried if not! 😉 The bus that [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on May 24, 2012 Being a Mother 4 Responses »
A Holiday Of Two Halves

The first few days of our holiday were a nightmare! I honestly think that it would be easier to go abroad with a baby who is a few months old than take one that has been weaned and is beginning to find their feet. At least when they are tiny their milk provides all of the nutrients that they need. I tried to feed Bob similar things to what she has when we are at home. This wasn’t easy, as, [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on May 23, 2012 Activities, Being a Mother 8 Responses »
Terrible Twosday (Not Just For 2 Year Olds)

We’re home! Hope you are all well! I have written a post about our holiday entitled ‘The Holiday Of 2 Halves’ but, as we have only just arrived home and it is Twosday Eve, I thought that I should post a Terrible Twosday first. Bob was a little star during our holiday so I have found it hard to think of a Terrible Twosday. I have, however, thought of a funny thing that she liked to do, which caused a [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on May 21, 2012 Terrible Twosday 6 Responses »
May 092012
First Steps!!!

I had such a giggle making this little video! I hope you have as much fun watching it! 😉 Linking this post up with the lovely Jaime and her new Linky! It wa the first post that came to mind when I started to think of a magic moment. It’s a lovely linky, go and check it out! Click here to see our other videos.

 Posted by Charlotte on May 9, 2012 Firsts 24 Responses »