I would have loved this week’s Share A Smile to be the post about how well my daughter is doing with learning how to read and write but I have already published that one.

This week has been a busy one and it seems to have passed by in a blur. I can’t believe Bow is 7 weeks old today! He has been treating us to many more of his adorable smiles and he has starting talking to us. He has many a tale to tell!

Here is a very short but very cute video!


If you have written about something that made you smile or captured a photograph that melts your heart I would love it if you linked up below. Posts from your archives are welcome as long as they make you smile. 🙂

The linky will open on a Saturday and run for a week, so feel free to pop in at any time. I am happy to read happiness any day of the week.

If you don’t have a blog and you would like to join in you can share your smiles on social media. On twitter & Instagram use the hashtag #shareasmile and tag me in the post so that I don’t miss it. You could even share a smile in the comments section below or post one to my Facebook page if you prefer.

Looking forward to smiling with you. Smiles are contagious so it is better to share them than keep them to yourself!

To read why I started this linky click here.

 Posted by Charlotte on November 14, 2015 Smile  Add comments

  22 Responses to “Share A Smile – Baby Talk”


    Aww he is gorgeous, certainly puts a smile on anyones face x


    Baby talk! He’s such a lovely little boy, a smile worth moment.


    He loves the camera and I couldn’t help but smile when I saw these photos 🙂 x


    That video is absolutely adorable! Totally made me smile! I really want to link up with you but I don’t have anything posted yet suitable but feel free to tweet me and will link up if I post something during the week x


    awww…so precious!


    7 weeks already? Gosh time flies. He is such a cutie, Enjoy every moment. Kaz z


    Oh now that is a smile to brighten up anyones day, how absolutely ovary aching cute x


    What an absolutely adorable smile! A real cutie pie! You are truly blessed


    What a beautiful smile! I love the baby smiles. They can make even the worst day better, can’t they?


    Oh that’s so cute! Stop!! I’m going to get brooooooooody


    Aww this post made me smile widely what a beautiful smile! x


    So adorable and what a lovely idea for a linky – we should always find things to smile about x


    Such a cutie, this is a lovely post. The video is a lovely thing to look back on in the future as he grows 🙂


    Oh my goodness 😀
    Such a cutie pie <3 I can't believe I got confused and didn't even know he was here!
    Gosh he is perfect Charlotte
    Charlotte x


    He is such a cutie I bet when he smiles it just lights up the room. Beautiful bubba x


    Aw your little one is so sweet 🙂 xxx


    Awww he’s such a cutie. This has brightened up my morning.


    Aww! what a beautiful smile heheh! so cute 🙂


    What a sweet mile, he is so cute!!!


    Nothing sweeter than a baby smiling and yours has a gorgeous one!


    Beautiful smile. Thanks for sharing on #justanotherlinky xx

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