Mar 162016

As some of you may know I am obsessed with retro toys. I started collecting them couple of years ago and I now have lots of blasts from the past.

I thought about starting an online shop and even went as far as setting up a website. Life got in the way, however. A year passed, my hosting expired and I didn’t bother renewing it.

I may think of something to do with my collection one day but for now they are just decorating our spare room. Bob loves them and she is allowed to play with them occasionally. She thinks this is such a treat! I also let Bob’s school borrow them recently as their topic was toys and they wanted to show the children how toys had changed.

I thought I would post some photographs of my collection. That way, if they do end up going to new homes, I will always be able to remember them. Here is what I have gathered so far.

Cabbage Patch Kids

This is where my collection started. I got a Cabbage Patch Kid as a present. My husband knew that I loved them and found a lovely little girl for me. I then started buying others on eBay and at car boots sales. Some of them needed cleaning up and others needed clothing. I still have plans to make some pretty dresses and some other items for the dolls that still need clothes.

80's toys cabbage patch kids

As a child I also loved the My Child dolls and I would love to find one of those. Not sure I could ever part with that though. It may have to stay with my original Cabbage Patch Kid in my permanent collection.


I have been collecting these for a while now but I have only just realised that they are making a comeback. Bob loves playing with my Popples and when she found the new series about them on Netflix she was over the moon!

80's toys popples


I only have Butterbear and 2 Hoppopotamus. I would love to find a Bumblelion and an Eleroo!

80's toys wuzzles


I used to have a small Werebear that didn’t transform. He constantly had fangs and, until recently, I thought  this was what all Werebears were like. I then found a large Werebear that transformed on a car boot sale and I was so excited!

80's toys werebear


I used to have several Trolls when I was younger but they were mostly the hard bodied variety. My friend had 2 gorgeous soft bodied trolls which I was very envious of. Trolls are supposed to be lucky and her mum used to rub their hair before she went to play bingo on a Wednesday night. I have managed to get hold of a couple of the hard bodied ones and I have even found a jointed one which I didn’t know existed. I wonder if they would bring me luck if I rubbed their hair before I play mobile bingo.

80's toys trolls

As well as these I have many other bits and pieces. I have a plush Keeper and a My Little Pony and I am always on the look out for the plastic versions of these. I have a Pound Kitten and I would love to get my hands on a Pound Puppy! I also managed to find a member of the Get Along Gang but his clothing has seen better days and he is without his skates.

I have several toys from before the 80’s, including an old Benjamin Bunny and a Strawberry Shortcake Ragdoll.

vintage toys strawberry shortcake ragdoll

vintage toys bengiman bunny

I also have some little sets of toys. I have some Rainbow Brite figures and some small plastic Care Bears. Hopefully I will get some of the vintage plush Care Bears soon.

retro toys rainbow brite figures

I also have a Rascal, a Weebles playground, some muppet figures, a womble, lots of books, a huge box full of old games and many more bits and bobs that I need to organise. I am trying to talk Michael into converting the garage into a mini museum but he is taking some convincing.

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post.

 Posted by Charlotte on March 16, 2016 Uncategorized  Add comments

  5 Responses to “Retro Fun”


    Wow! That was a total blast from the past for me. I always wanted a Cabbage Patch doll, as you can guess I never got one. Think I may just have to go out and buy one


    Ahh! Popples! That’s what they’re called….lol My fella and I were talking about retro toys and I couldn’t remember what they were called.
    You have a fantastic collection x


    Wow that’s a blast from the past – although I didn’t remember most of them (feels a bit smug and pretends to be the younger one!) I found my my little pony the other day and decided “sod it” as I live alone I will put it back out on display and now it lives in my front room peaking around a picture frame

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