This post was written on the 7th March whilst I was still keeping my pregnancy a secret.

I hope I am not going to jinx things by saying this but I think my nausea phase has passed! I was expecting to have to deal with it until 12 weeks. I wondered if when I hit my 2nd trimester someone would flick a switch and my nausea would magically vanish. 🙂 I am very grateful that it has gone a couple of weeks earlier than I anticipated!

I finally have a date for my scan. It is on the 26th March, I will be almost 13 weeks by then! It seems like I have been waiting forever! After what happened last time I daren’t get excited about this pregnancy until after I have seen my little blob. I had better not start calling it that, otherwise we will have 2 Bob’s in the family and that would be very confusing!

I am a member of a facebook group for babies that are due in October. Many people in that group are from America and they have all had a scan already. I am very jealous!

I am still quite bloated and it is getting very hard to hide my pregnancy. The 26th of March can’t come quick enough!

Having said that, I am also worried about going for the scan in case everything isn’t alright. When I was pregnant with Bob things were so much simpler! I didn’t think of the dangers. This time it is hard to think of anything but.


 Posted by Charlotte on April 30, 2015 Pregnancy & Childbirth  Add comments

  One Response to “Pregnancy Diaries – 10 Weeks”


    Awww, I am really enjoying reading your updates =) the big wait until the first scan did seem like forever for me too!

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