I have never heard of Posh Graffiti before I was asked to review it a couple of weeks ago. I visited their website and I loved it instantly!
They sell a range of hand carved wooden letters & numbers which are painted in various designs. The opportunities are endless!
The hard part of the review was deciding which graffiti to get. I had the idea of getting Bob’s name to have on her bedroom door. I have obviously seen bedroom name plaques before but I knew this would be something different!
Initially I worried about how to hang the letters, as I didn’t want to put lots of holes in her door, but it couldn’t be easier. You can hang them on nails if you wish but they can also be hung using a small amount of white tack.
Bob helped me to hang the letters and we were both really impressed with the result!
After her bedtime story and kiss goodnight that evening she asked for her bedroom door to be closed. She never has it closed. When I asked if she was sure she replied, ‘Just a little but closed so that people can see my name.’ 🙂
Since her beautiful name has been in place she always closes her bedroom door behind her. 🙂 She is very proud of her name and I think it looks wonderful!
We will need to order some more Posh Graffiti when baby number 2 arrives! I can’t wait! 🙂
Disclaimer: We were sent the letters free of charge for the purpose of this review but all opinions are our own.
They are fab, I really want some for my house – need to remember this!