My baby girl starts school tomorrow! I have been seeing lovely photos of children going to school on social media over the past week and it still hasn’t sunk in that my baby girl will be one of them on Wednesday.
We have bought her uniform and we were asked to review some name labels from Petit Fernand. These seemed perfect!
I started browsing Petit Fernand’s site and wondered what I should spend my voucher on. I almost bought a bumper pack of labels but then I spotted their gorgeous water bottles.
I am fed up of buying water bottles for Bob only for them to get broken within a couple of weeks. These bottles are durable but still pretty. I love the fact that they are thermal. They will keep lovely and cold if I pop a couple of ice cubes in them in summer. They can also be personalised with your child’s name.
As I had fallen in love with the fairy water bottle I convinced myself that I didn’t need the bumper pack of labels. I decided to order the water bottle and a pack of iron on labels. A pack of 10 labels is only £3.
Bob loved helping me to design the water bottle and her labels!
You can choose the colour and pattern of the label, the colour and font of the text and a little image so that they are easily recognisable even if the child can’t recognise their own name.
I was excited to try out the labels but I thought that many of Bob’s school items could be written on. I was wrong! Even using a permanent marker the ink bled.
I loved how easy the iron on labels were to apply. You simply peel them from the backing, place them where you would like them to go, cover them with the protective paper and press the iron onto them for 12 seconds.
The labels are so good that I am going to order some more. I wish I had ordered the bumper pack. The inside of Bob’s P.E. pumps now has a splogy name where a lovely label could have been.
I do love her water bottle though so I am glad to have one of those too.
Petit Fernand’s have given me a £30 voucher to giveaway to one of my lovely readers. The voucher can be spent on labels. I would suggest getting a bumper pack which contains 40 Iron-on name labels, 30 Stick-on name labels, 20 Stick-on name labels, 40 Stick-on mini labels & 10 Shoe labels. If only I could enter my own giveaway!
There are many ways to enter using the Rafflecopter below. Good luck!
Disclaimer: We were given a voucher in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.
I love the water bottle, what a great idea having a name printed on them. I hope Molly has a great time at school.
Don’tleave labelling your kids uniform, packed lunch boxes, etc until the last minute! During the last week of the holidays start getting your children back into a routine of going to bed earlier and getting up earlier!
Start your shopping early, have an organisation method for packed lunches/after school snacks, and start the school bed time routine the week before school begins.
Start shopping for uniform, etc at the start of the holiday… but buy the school shoes at the end of the holiday – in case of a growth spurt.
get everythink ready the night before not on the day like I did lol
Make sure everything is labelled in enough time so not a mad rush. Buy any stationery bits when there is an offer
make sure everything is name labelled even the shoes
Label everything and get organised plenty time in advance!
get all shoes and uniforms early on in holidays and then have everything ready and packed the night before
Label everything, but then keep the rest of the labels handy. You will find an unlabelled item 5 minutes before you need to leave on the first day!
plan plan plan I have to get organized otherwise I would not get anything done x
start getting things weekly as soon as they break up x
Shop around for uniforms , supermarkets are a fab way to save some money and great quality ,get things labelled and organized early so you can enjoy your holidays and not stress
Write a list of everything you need then look for the best prices online. Then label absolutely everything!
I buy uniform before they break up so iuts not a rush when everyone else is trying to get theirs
Great review and fantastic competition! These would be handy for Maxwell, I hate lost items!
buy ahead throughout the year
Get everything ready at the start of summer – then you have 6 weeks to enjoy yourself
Day one of the school holidays. Dedicate the day to getting all school uniform and supplies. You beat the rush and u can enjoy all the holidays worry free with your children
I try to get everything sorted out as soon as possible so that we aren’t all rushing around!!
don’t leave it all to the last minute and try and stick to routine
Give yourself plenty of time to get organised.
Look out for offers on clothes and name label up straight away
Do everything the night before, saves morning tantrums!
the important thing to remember is to be organised
I prepare well in advance! I have one at secondary, one at primary and one at nursery …. lots of uniforms to wash, dry & iron daily, bags to prep, lunches to sort, etc…. I do most of this in the evenings, so breakfast doesnt have to be rushed, etc xx
Lists! That way you know you’re not forgetting anything.
Making lots of lists and ensuring that everything is bought atleast one week in advance1
I label all uniform and equipment straight away. I also start preparing the little ones for nursery and school the week before so that they get in school routine
We struggle a bit with time in the morning so I try and do as much the night before, clothes out, bag packed
plan everything well ahead of time
Lots of lists
Use a calender!
Don’t leave it all until the end of the school holidays!
Get it done early, avoids disappointment!
Buy everything in the summer holidays.
Lists!! Make a list of everything you need then pick some of it up each week of July and August. The cost can be huge especially at high school age and it makes it less painful to get a bit at a time
make sure you buy well before the end of the holidays and label everything
Make a list of whats needing
don’t leave it until the last minute but also don’t start shopping for uniform and shoes too early as they are highly likely to grow the day after you buy it!!
start the morning routine a few days early to get in the swing of things x
have a set area by the front door to put everything you need for the following day so you’re not scrabbling around looking for stuff in the morning.
Put out the school uniform out the night before!
get everything ready the night before,
my daughter is only in nursery, and an afternoon session so as of yet I can’t offer tips, but I can take all of these on board!
Prepare the night before
Do it early before everything sells out in the size you need!!!
Buy most things in the January sales and store away (extreme I know but it does save money!)
Start as early as possible.
buy a bit every week from around may
My top tip is to plan a range of things for packed lunches!
I always start the year with great intentions by getting the clothes ready the night before – normally lasts a week
Get it done early
Write a menu for your child to select from
It’s all in the planning: make a list of everything that has to be done/bought then number each listed item in order to work out a time-saving plan of action.
make a list
Get things together the night before so you’re not as rushed in the morning.
buy something each week before going back to school
Try to get as much done in advance, so you don’t have to rush!
Don’t leave everything to the last minute
I try (mainly fail though) to put bits aside and buy items I know my daughter will need for the next year throughout the previous year. You pay a lot less if you can avoid the end of summer rush and you don’t have to worry nearly as much.
Start early and make a list!
Take advice from a busy mum, she will tell you plan ahead… organised and don’t put it off. x
Buy spares of everything so you never need to dash to the shops for a replacement.
Label & hang all the uniform as soon as you buy it to avoid a last minute rush
Just do it in stages! I’m a stresshead and I didn’t find sorting the 3 kids out for school a problem at all this year.
lunch boxes ready the night before
Make a list of everything u need. As soon as u get them check them, wash and named them right away
Nothing beats hard work and early preparation ensuring they have everything they need.
Don’t wait until the end of August to buy new school shoes – because they won’t have any shoes in the right size left.
Order/buy a school uniform as soon as possible, aim to have everything labelled with a few weeks to spare….don’t be me and order labels so well in advance that I’ve lost them and will have to order more.
shop as early as you can and have a checklist
Get everything ready the night before
Get everything ready the night before!
make a list of whats needed
Make a list and tick it off as you go x