We love Cuddledry and we still can’t get through bath times without our apron towel! Imagine our delight when we were sent a Cuddledeer towel to review. The Cuddledeer is an adorable reindeer themed hooded towel.

I looked forward to recieving the towel and when it arrived I was so excited and I couldn’t wait to see Bow wearing it!

supersoft bath towel

That night after bath time, I wrapped him in our new towel. It was so soft and snugly and Bow looked adorable wearing it.

fun baby bath towel

It has spots on the back and a pair of gorgeous little antler on the hood.

reindeer towel with antlers

Unfortunately Bow is at the age where he is far too busy to have his photo taken. I managed to take a few but he was too busy trying to climb back in the bath to pose for me. At one point I resorted to pinning him on my knee and using the selfie mode. He was distracted by his own image long enough for me to take a photograph.

selfie baby reindeer

Luckily the towel fit Bob too! I knew the towel would fit children older that Bow as well but I didn’t realise that Bob would be able to wear it.

fun dress up towel

She looked gorgeous dressed as a ‘cuddledeer’. All she was missing was a red nose and she could help Father Christmas on Christmas Eve!

fun reindeer dress up towel

This towel is so lovely and it would make a wonderful Christmas gift for little ones! Cuddledry also have a cute little Cuddleduck which would make a perfect stocking filler.

baby bath time duck

Disclaimer: We were sent the towel free of charge, in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

 Posted by Charlotte on November 21, 2016 Reviews  Add comments

  9 Responses to “The Perfect Towel For Christmas”


    oh my goodness this is so adorable! Love after bath cuddles with my two x


    Oh this is adorable! Sooo cute and it would make such a lovely Christmas present xx


    Oh my goodness, such an adorable towel!!!


    They look SO alike – it’s ridiculous! The Cuddledry towel looks perfect for Christmas and very snuggly too! xx


    This is such an adorable towel to use. Definitely think I will need to get one of these for my little boy for the festive period. Thank for sharing.


    I LOVE cuddledry towels and this is just perfect for the festive season x


    Sooooo cute!! I love those towels, so snuggly and warm after a bath


    Ahhh how cute is that towel! And so festive. I love it! Adorable photos as well lovey x


    This is so cute!! My little nephews would love these towels. I did see them on tv the other day and thought they were super cute!!

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