Oct 082017
Our New Home

Last week was quite challenging. We moved house on Friday, in the midst of a sickness bug. Moving house is hard enough, this was a nightmare! Now we can look back on it with a slight smile and I am sure we will find it funny one day. We are now settled in to our new home and it is wonderful! We have moved a few times since we relocated to North Yorkshire and we have finally found our home. [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on October 8, 2017 interior design No Responses »
Happy Places Not Far From Home

We used to love going abroad before we had children. It was a great way to relax! We’d spend days lying around the pool, watching the world go by. We’d also hire a Jeep and explore what the area had to offer. It was wonderful to experience the local cuisine independently, rather than on a bus full of tourists. We arrived at a restaurant one afternoon and ordered our Greek salads. The waiter smiled at us and said that we [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on September 20, 2017 travel 12 Responses »
Sep 202017
Mixing Fun

I have a mixer that cost me a small fortune. It is a very well known brand and I thought that I would love it and it would last me a lifetime.  I have been disappointed with it. The beater doesn’t seem to reach the bottom of the bowl so in order to mix thoroughly I have to put pressure on top of the mixer.  I have also damaged the beaters. I popped them in the dishwasher and they are [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on September 20, 2017 Reviews 9 Responses »
To My Baby Girl On Your First Day In Year 2

Today has been a scary day. You have started a brand new school! We thought we would have moved house by now but we are moving in a few weeks. We are only moving about half an hour away so I gave you the choice of staying at your old school or moving to the one near our new house. When we went for a taster day last term I was so worried for you. On the way home I [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on September 5, 2017 Being a Mother, Firsts 4 Responses »
5 Essential Tips That Will Make Your Child Well Mannered

If you want to raise a child that is well mannered then you must stop looking at the world from your perspective (the adult viewpoint) and adopt a more child centric perspective. The constant swirl of rules and new scenarios can be highly confusing for a child so you must do all that you can to see the world from their viewpoint. This is especially true when trying to introduce new rules and concepts such as being polite and well [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on September 1, 2017 Uncategorized 2 Responses »
Under The Sea Party - Jiggly Jellyfish & Seashell Wands

I like to have lots of themed party activities at Bob’s birthday parties that the children can access independently. Pinterest is fabulous for finding ideas! At her Under The Sea birthday party there were crafts galore! The first two that I am going to share with you are the Jiggly Jellyfish and the Seashell Wanda that we made! Bob loves preparing for her parties and she always helps me to make examples beforehand. To make the Jiggly Jelly fish we [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on July 31, 2017 Party Planning No Responses »
Quick & Easy Ways To Spruce Up Any Outfit

Today I have a post for you from Maise Fitzgerald. Maise has worked with a number of high end fashion designers as a stylist and blogger, helping others to find a style that works for them. Sometimes, being a mum means that the last thing on your mind is actually taking your hair out of that messy mum-bun, wearing something other than your worn in boyfriend jeans or replacing that comfy t-shirt that still has a baby sick stain on [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on July 30, 2017 Fashion No Responses »