Children's Christmas Gift Guide

Must Have Toys Bob briefly mentioned wanting a Hatchimal last year but it never made it onto her Christmas list. I was glad as they became very hard to find. She saw an advert for a Hatchimal Surprise this year and she was amazed! This is at the top of her list and she can’t believe that, this year, you can hatch twins. I bought one early, just in case. I can’t wait to see her face on Christmas morning! [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 29, 2017 Gift Guides No Responses »
Win Tickets To The Baby & Toddler Show

Baby To Toddler takes place at the NEC in Birmingham in a couple of weeks from the 2-3 December. The aim of the event is to grant visitors access to offers and deals you won’t find anywhere else! Many of the biggest names and brands will be in attendance, as well as the high street boutique brands you don’t normally find on the high street. The show offers everything new and expectant parents need for their little ones, it comes [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 22, 2017 Uncategorized 3 Responses »
A Stocking For A One Year Old

I didn’t bother with a stocking for Bob when she was tiny. I only started with stockings when she was old enough to know what was happening. Bow has had to have a stocking every Christmas since birth otherwise Bob would wonder why Father Christmas had put presents in her stocking and not her baby brother’s. When Bow was tiny I filled his stocking with rattles discovery balls, an apple and an orange. He was only 2 months old but [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 10, 2017 Gift Guides 1 Response »
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul DVD Review & Giveaway

It is lovely now that Bob is old enough to watch things that we enjoy too. At the weekend, she loves staying up later than Bow and watching a film with us. It is lovely to have some family television time that doesn’t involve Peppa Pig. On Friday night we watched the new film in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. We haven’t seen the other films but I have heard that there is a new cast in this [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on October 29, 2017 Reviews 91 Responses »
Ready to Check-In: Ways to Prepare for a Family Trip

Going on a family vacation is an exciting time, but it can also be stressful for the parents. With so much to arrange, the stress of getting to the airport on time and not wanting to forget anything, it can all start to feel like it’s not much fun at all. Here are a few tips to help you prepare and pack for your trip so that everyone—including you—has a great time on your family vacation. Sort Out the Logistics [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on October 29, 2017 Uncategorized No Responses »
First Class Friends DVD Giveaway

Both of my children love Milkshake! With a 4 year age gap, there is not much that they both enjoy. Milkshake has such a great variety of programmes that they are both happy to sit in front of their Milkshake DVD. Bow loves Peppa Pig and Noddy, Bob loves Shimmer & Shine & Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom and they both enjoy Fireman Sam!  Abbey Home Media are realeasing a brand new Milkshake DVD collection on Monday the 23rd October. [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on October 20, 2017 Reviews 33 Responses »
A Fall Football Party

Fall is a wonderful time of the year. The temperatures are dropping and friends gather for many fun adventures. From exciting football games to harvest festivals, there is much to celebrate. People reach for their cozy hoodies and snuggle up in front of the fire. Welcome back fall with a gathering of your friends and family. Celebrate with the children after school or plan a fun day out with your preschoolers. A fall theme party complete with a candy buffet [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on October 20, 2017 Uncategorized No Responses »