Under The Sea Party - Peg Doll Mermaids & CD Turtles

I can’t believe I am still writing posts about Bob’s Under The Sea Party! We have had a Trolls party since then but I am so behind! My New Year’s Resolution should be to try harder. We had lots of lovely craft activities. I have already written about the Jiggly Jellyfish and the Seashell Wands and I will tell you about the Flounder Balloons soon. We also made Peg Doll Mermaids and CD Turtles. The Peg Doll Mermaids were easy [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on January 10, 2018 Party Planning 1 Response »

Renting is a good option, and for those of us trying to get on the property ladder – if living with our parents isn’t an option – it’s the only choice we have until we finally scrape together that fabled deposit.  Renting a property can be exciting at first, and wonderful when you move your things in for the first time. But it can be difficult to make a rented property feel like a home – especially when you have [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on January 8, 2018 Uncategorized No Responses »
How Does a Lack of Sleep Affect Your Mind and Health

I have spent the last 6 years in a sleep deprived haze! (Thanks Bob & Bow!) I know it will get better over time and I am getting more sleep than I was so I feel like I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  For many people, sleep deprivation is a problem that won’t go away once their children start sleeping. If this is you, I feel for you! Not getting enough sleep is awful and [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on December 13, 2017 Uncategorized No Responses »
I Believe In Fairies

A few months ago I set up a little online shop selling fairy and unicorn things. I have wanted to do this for a while but I wasn’t sure where to start. I wanted to sell something that I loved and I also wanted to include some things that I made.  After a day out on a Woodland Fairy walk at Studfold Trails I knew what my shop would be! I love crafting and I had made a little fairy [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on December 13, 2017 Uncategorized No Responses »
Get Ready to Do the January Sales the Easy Way

Christmas is wonderful. It gives you the chance to spoil everyone, and hopefully yourself. As well as spend time together eating, drinking, playing games and enjoying your presents. However, it is also a bit exhausting. A lot of time and energy goes into organising the perfect family Christmas. So, by the time the January sales come around the last thing you want to do is to drag yourself to the shops. The queues are usually horrendous and most people´s nerves [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on December 13, 2017 Uncategorized No Responses »
Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie Review & Giveaway

Bob has been wanting to watch the Captain Underpants movie since she watched the trailer on You Tube ages ago. The trailer made her howl with laughter when Captain Underpants sang, ‘Tra la laaaaa!’ The film is about two friends, George & Harold, who spend their time making comic books. One day they hypnotise their nasty principal into thinking he is the dimwitted superhero from their comic books, named Captain Underpants.  This film is hilarious and Bob loved it! Bow [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on December 4, 2017 Reviews 24 Responses »
No More January Blues

Christmas is coming! Decorations are popping up everywhere, gifts are being bought, cards are being written and schools are busy practising for nativities and carol services.  We can’t wait for the Christmas holidays! It will be lovely to have some quality time together as a family. Christmas is so magical when you have children and I can’t wait to see their faces on Christmas morning! As well as getting ready for Christmas, we are also thinking ahead to January and [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 30, 2017 Reviews 1 Response »