First Tastes & First Fun

I have really struggled with weaning Bow. His sister weaned like a dream! I made all my own baby food and she ate everything I offered her. Even though baby led weaning is now popular, I decided to wean Bow in the same way as it worked so well last time. Every time I gave him something to eat he acted like he was being poisoned. When my cooking failed I decided to try baby led weaning. He liked to [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on June 4, 2016 Firsts 18 Responses »
May 252016
Now You Are 5

It’s that time of year again where I make a video montage that I am incapable of watching without crying. I can’t believe that my Bob is 5 today! Time has flown but she has also changed so much, She has blossomed into a beautiful little girl and she makes me so proud every single day! Happy birthday baby girl! Click her to view our other videos.

 Posted by Charlotte on May 25, 2016 Being a Mother 2 Responses »
May 242016
4 In A Bed

Our bed isn’t big enough! It may be a king size but, some nights, I don’t even have enough space to put my arms down by my sides. Bow still sleeps in our bed. We have a Next 2 Me crib attached to the side of our bed but he is getting a bit big for it and he is much more settled in our bed. He usually ends up in with us and Bob knows this. Occasionally she asks [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on May 24, 2016 Uncategorized 2 Responses »
Dotty Fish Baby Shoes Review

I have had several obsessions since Bow came along. It started with baby carriers. Bow didn’t like his pram so I used to carry him around everywhere. I became obsessed with finding the perfect carrier. I was also addicted to buying baby hats, the cuter the better! I then had a thing for pushchair. How screamed in the original carrycot that I bought so I made it my mission to find one that he liked. Now that Bow has a [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on May 22, 2016 Reviews 1 Response »
3 Underrated Ways To Make A Flight Easier For A Family

This is a collaborative post   Image Source Travelling can be an exciting way to experience a new environment and culture as a family. It can provide us with an opportunity to rediscover our lust for life or simply to fully relax and rejuvenate. But it is widely reported that many people find travelling tiring and stressful. Travelling with children or as a family can be especially difficult if we haven’t prepared. The destination may be perfect and peaceful, but [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on May 16, 2016 Uncategorized No Responses »
May 102016
5 Months Old

Our photo shoots are getting trickier now as you are into everything. Before you would sit nicely by the blackboard, now you want to eat it! You have cut your first tooth! You seem much too little but your sister also had a tooth at 5 months. It must run in the family. I am hoping your second tooth will cut soon and then you might get a break from teething. I have bought a reclining highchair for you. You [click here to read on]

Protecting Your Family's Future

This is a collaborative post. If you have a family, you probably think about the future on a daily basis. As parents, it’s natural to want to provide the best for your children and ensure that they are happy, healthy and safe. If you’re looking for ways to protect your family’s future, here are some ideas. Image credit Savings and budgeting If you don’t already draw up a budget for the month ahead, start now. Budgeting is an excellent way [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on May 9, 2016 Uncategorized No Responses »