This Time Next Year...

I remember when we used to play the lottery every week. My husband and I each chose some numbers and we used the same ones for every draw. As time went on it became a pain to go to the shop to play. Some weeks we would forget and then we would have to make sure that we didn’t see the winning numbers! That’s the scary thing about using the same numbers each week. Eventually we stopped playing as it [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 30, 2016 Uncategorized 2 Responses »
Milkshake! Fabulous Friends DVD Review & Giveaway

Bow has been introducing me to some fabulous children’s programmes recently. I am already familiar with Peppa Pig & Ben and Holly as they were some of Bob’s favourites. She also liked Thomas The Tank Engine. Fireman Sam was something she never watched. Her friend loved it and used to get Bob to play it with him. He was always Sam and she was Elvis. Bob had no idea who these people were but she had fun running around after [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 22, 2016 Reviews 86 Responses »
The Perfect Towel For Christmas

We love Cuddledry and we still can’t get through bath times without our apron towel! Imagine our delight when we were sent a Cuddledeer towel to review. The Cuddledeer is an adorable reindeer themed hooded towel. I looked forward to recieving the towel and when it arrived I was so excited and I couldn’t wait to see Bow wearing it! That night after bath time, I wrapped him in our new towel. It was so soft and snugly and Bow [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 21, 2016 Reviews 9 Responses »
Win £100 To Spend At Whittards

I am glad that winter has arrived. Don’t get me wrong, I love summer but I have always had enough of it by the time that Autumn reaches us. I am sure I will be complaining about the cold in a few months but that’s why I love living in a country that has seasons. For the time being I am loving wearing Ugg boots, wrapping up warm to go on wintery walks and curling up under a blanket to [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 16, 2016 Uncategorized No Responses »
The New Boohoo Kidswear Range & Matching Boots

I have ordered clothes from Boohoo for myself in the past but I wasn’t aware that they had started selling children’s clothes. When I heard about their new Kidswear range I looked forward to seeing what they had to offer. They have some lovely clothing for children aged 5-12. They also have mini versions of their adult clothes. I thought this idea was really cute! I was asked to chose some items for Bob and I fell in love with [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 16, 2016 Reviews No Responses »
It’s Never Too Cold For Ice Cream

We were recently asked to review something from Savisto. They specialise in homeware and they have many great kitchen gadgets. It was hard to decide what we should review. Over the summer we went to stay with our friends in Devon and they had recently got an ice cream maker. They said how good it was and I have wanted to get one ever since. I wondered if it was the right time of year to be reviewing an ice [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 9, 2016 Reviews 8 Responses »
Win Tickets To The Baby To Toddler Show

I have 2 pairs of tickets to giveaway for the Baby to Toddler Show. The show will be taking place at ExCel London on the 19th and 20th of November. It is a one-stop shopping event at the perfect time for Christmas shopping. Many big brands will be there, as well as brands from Not On The High Street. Visitors will have access to exclusive offers from over 100 exhibitors. As well as shopping there is also lots of fun [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 6, 2016 Uncategorized 13 Responses »