Under The Sea Party - Pin The Tail On The Whale & Walk The Plank

I love planning the games and crafts for Bob’s parties! I usually start with a ‘pin the something on the something’ idea. 🙂 We have had Pin The Wand On The Fairy and Pin The Horn On The Unicorn in the past. This year I thought of Pin The Tail On The Whale. Not only would this be fun, it also rhymed! 🙂 I drew a big whale (minus his tail) and Bob helped me to paint it. I then [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 1, 2017 Party Planning 2 Responses »
When The Going Gets Tough, It Might Be The Time To Relax

I have just tried to find a photograph of myself and my husband to accompany this post and I had to go back to 2010, before Bob was born! We have been out occassionally since then but our child free evenings are very few and far between. It has made me realise how important it is to find time for each other and I have asked my parents to come and babysit sometime soon so that we can go out. [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 1, 2017 Uncategorized 2 Responses »
Problems With Baby Weaning

When it came to weaning Bob was a dream! I followed Annabel Karmel’s baby weaning plan and made all of my own purees. I had never heard of baby led weaning 5 years ago. I weaned Bob at 5 months. The guidelines back then suggested weaning between 4 and 6 months whereas now they recommend weaning from 6 months. Bob ate everything that I made for her and she really enjoy all of the different flavours. She moved on to [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 23, 2017 Being a Mother 26 Responses »
Oversharing And The Unspeakable

Since becoming a parent I have met lots of other mummies. Some have become close friends and others I have chatted to briefly whilst our children played together. I still find it strange how quickly you can bond with people when you have children in common.  You would think that you would stick to pleasantries when you don’t know someone but being a mummy seems to give you a bond. I have been known to swap birth stories with other [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 22, 2017 Uncategorized 7 Responses »
Under The Sea Party - Themed Party Food

Although I was very impressed with the Disney Princess themed party food we made for Bob’s 4th birthday, it means that a standard has now been set. I now want to make the party food as good if not better for all of Bob’s party. Pinterest is my best friend when it comes to party ideas and they have some great party food inspiration. I spent hours searching for Under The Sea ideas and planning our menu. Here is what [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 16, 2017 Party Planning 12 Responses »
More Organised Mummy - Meal Planning

We have had a few money struggles recently and for a while times were hard. The last week of every month was a real struggle and we were counting the days until pay day. One month we looked into quick loans. We thought this would help us to make it to the end of the month without getting us into long term debt. Luckily things have taken a turn for the better and our money worries seem to be behind [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 9, 2017 meal planning 19 Responses »
Under The Sea Party - Little Mermaid Cake

I have made Bob’s birthday cake every year. The cake always matches the theme of her party. When Bob was little I had full control over the theme and the cake and I could do things that I found easy. Her clown cake is still one of my favourites. Now Bob tells me which sort of cake she would like. When she asked for a Disney Princess Castle Cake I panicked! I like to do most of the decorations in [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 8, 2017 Party Planning 21 Responses »