Planning the Perfect Easter Egg Hunt

Bob loves Easter and she is very excited about the Easter Bunny visiting. We have had an Easter egg hunt since she was tiny and always try to find some fun Easter days out. Easter is one of the most important Christian festivals of the year and is often greatly looked forward to by children and adults alike for the chocolate eggs and egg hunts. In the UK, people plan a broad range of fun-filled activities on Easter day, for [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 31, 2017 Activities 17 Responses »
Mar 302017
Cultural Britain

I like to think that I am quite cultured. My acting background has meant that I seen, read and performed in many plays and I am a big fan of Shakespeare. I am also a big fan of music. I wish I could play lots of instruments! I can play the guitar and have had lessons. I also have a flute, a keyboard and a steal drum. I wish i could play these but in reality I am a ‘jack [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 30, 2017 Uncategorized 6 Responses »
Future-Proofing Your Young Family's "Forever Home"

Back in 2014, the then Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, decided to reduce stamp duty on new homes, slashing the cost of moving for more than 98 percent of the British public. But despite his attempts to get people buying again, the market for housing has remained pretty flat, especially in areas outside London and the major university towns. Young families, therefore, aren’t necessarily going to be able to ride a wave of house price increases up the property [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 29, 2017 Uncategorized 3 Responses »
Catching Up With Growing Kids

Parents always seem to exclaim about how much their kids grow! And it’s true; babies and toddlers seem to always be getting bigger before our very eyes. There’s just no time to feel all nostalgic about when they were babies as you will have to keep up with them and make sure they don’t outgrow you. To make sure your baby doesn’t turn into a toddler before you even realise, here are some things you will need to help you [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 27, 2017 Uncategorized 1 Response »
Drip Cake Course With The Odiham Cake Company

Since the drip cake craze started, I have been looking at photos of them in awe. I have wanted to learn how to make one for a while.  A few months ago our friend won a drip cake course at a charity auction. She gave the course to me as a gift and I was over the moon!  The course was with the Odiham Cake Company. Cake designer Gareth Jones has been delighting people with bespoke cakes since the business [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 21, 2017 Baking 26 Responses »
Cirque Du Soleil Varekai Review

I had seen Cirque Du Soleil on television before and always thought they were fabulous. When I was asked if I would like to go and see Cirque Du Soleil Varekai Tales of The Forest at the Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham I was very excited! I had an idea of what to expect after seeing them on screen but I had no idea how amazing it would be in ‘real life’.  Cirque Du Soleil transported us to the depths of the [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 10, 2017 Reviews 26 Responses »
Hats Off To Working Parents

I am very lucky to have been able to work from home since having children. I was planning to go into Primary School teaching and I was half way through my PGCE when I found out that I was pregnant with Bob. I had planned to return to teaching when Bob was older.  Then, when she was 7 months old, I started a mummy blog. This was just a hobby and it helped me to make sense of motherhood and [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 7, 2017 Uncategorized 2 Responses »