To celebrate their 70th anniversary Spading Bulb have sent us a box of mystery seeds.
Bob couldn’t wait to plant them!
We bought some gardening tools especially for the occasion and got to work.
I let Bob take control of the activity. She chose which bulbs to plant and where to plant them.
Sally supervised.
I have just reread the original e mail and realised that some of the seeds could be be flowers but some might be vegetables. I have now realised it may have been better to plant each variety of seed in a different pot.
Bob was so proud of her purple planter though and was keen to plant all of the seeds in it. I am now expecting carrots to be growing alongside pansies. 🙂 Oh well! At least Bob had a wonderful time!
She is very proud of her seeds and checks if they have grown every 5 minutes. We only planted them on Saturday so they haven’t started to grow yet but she keeps checking.
I have to keep an eye on how much Bob is watering her pride and joy. She would water them all day if I let her!
Hopefully the plants will grow otherwise gardener Bob will be very disappointed. I am a bit worried as she has planted them so higgledy piggledy and she thinks they are always thirsty.
If not maybe Spalding could send us some plants that are partially grown. I could then swap them whilst Bob is asleep. 🙂
Keep your green fingers crossed for our flowers/vegetables!